Chapter 7: Bury me deep inside your heart

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The next few moments went so quickly and before I knew it I was waiting to walk down the aisle, we were in some gothic house, well we were in the house where “And love said no” was filmed. The house if I remember is called fronthill, its a loverly place everything kinda creepy but a perfect place for a wedding, “its time” stacey said handing me my flowers, I took a deep breath and stepped through the gap where two big wooden doors were only seconds ago, it was amazing, it was like ville knew how I always wanted my wedding to be, there were black roses everywhere, there were silver trees with black ribbon hanging off, there was black ribbon everywhere, I looked around and every rockstar and actpr that had died, well supposed to have died was there, jared leto, billie joe armstrong, joey jordison, johnny knoxville, the rest of HIM, brandon novak, johnny depp and jackson rathebone were just a few. Once I had taken in the surroundings I could hear the music it was an acoustic version of bury me deep inside your heart, danni took my arm, stacey stood in front of me and we were off, we started walking down the very long aisle, the moment I saw ville I panicked I pulled my arm away from danni and headed back up the aisle, I dont know why but it felt right, I ran till I was outside, I breathed in the fresh air and felt the snow touch my skin, I sat on the steps and looked out into the forest that surrounded the house, was I doing the right thing, I dont know, “Alison, villes waiting and you really dont wanna keep him waiting” bam said walking up behind me, “well he does not own me so he can bloody well wait” I said taking of my stupidly high heels and started walking away from the house into the woods, my feet felt a little cold but I was technically dead so I couldnt care, I found an open space in the forest and sat down, the snow still managed to sneak its way through the trees and land on my white skin but it made me feel alive and human, I sat still letting the snow fall on me, I closed my eyes and took in the sounds of the surroundings, I felt like I could stay there forever. “were you not told to not keep me waiting” an angry voice said from behind me, I stood up no longer scared of him, “were you not told I do not belong to you so I can do as I please” I spat back. “yet” was all he said as he disappeared back into the trees, he knew I still intended on marrying him I just needed some time to think.

I sat there a little longer but I didnt want my dress to get wet from the still falling snow. I headed back to fronthill house, bam was still outside the door, he handed me my shoes and I put them on. I took a deep breath and danni took my arm again this time a little tight, “sorry ville doesnt want you running off again” he whispered in my ear, I took another deep breath and stacey took her place in front of me, and the music started up again just as a tear escaped my eye, I was scared for my future because I could no longer control it, once me and ville married I belonged to him and he could and will control me, “deep breaths” danni whispered in my ear again. Danni seemed a nice guy, his accent was gorgeous but then again so was he, well I thought so. Ville on the other hand was more then gorgeous he was like a god he was perfect his hair always curly and he now kept it just chin length , his face looked like it had been carved by angels, but hes attitude was like it was formed in the very vats of hell. Danni slightly tugged at my arm and I snapped out of my day dream, we started down the aisle again, this time I was more ready for it, and I had the mind strength now to not let him rule my life. We got nearer to ville and I could feel his happiness with what he was doing he thought he had won, but he knew nothing of my plans. I was now at the side of ville, danni kissed my cheek then took his place at the side of ville with Bam and Lauri, I took another deep breath as ville took my hand he gave it a quick squeeze then whispered in my ear, “you bring out the worst and best of me, but im happy you decided to marry me”. I was confused because he changed so much from when we were in the woods.

“i do” echoed the room as ville spoke the words, it was now my turn, I looked around the room, took a deep breath and looked in to his dreamy green eyes, and lost my self in them as I always used to do, “ I do” escaped my lips with out me even meaning to do it, it had started he was already controlling me.

(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choiceWhere stories live. Discover now