Chapter 15: Scared to death

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A few weeks had passed now, Ville was still being nice but i knew it couldn't last forever as every night i would dream about Ashley and i knew Ville stayed up and watched my dreams. I got up early it was only about 12 in the afternoon so Ville would be asleep, i went downstairs in the kitchen and pulled out my laptop hoping Ashley would be on skype and he was, i clicked call and didnt have to wait long as Ash accepted. "Hey" i said, "hey. is Ville definatly asleep?" he asked, "yeah i hope, how are you doing?" i asked, "i am ok i miss you though" he said, "i miss you too" i faked smiled, "is he still treating you right?" Ashley asked looking worried, "yeah for now he will change though he can't keep up the nice act forever" i said trying to keep the tears back, "well if he starts acting like a dick again im coming to get you out of there, i promise, any way i have to go we have practice bye Alison, I love you" Ashley said waving, "ok bye Ashley...." the laptop was slammed shut i looked up to see Ville, "was you going to say it back??" he asked looking angry but slightly heart broken, "yes but not in the way you think hes my best friend thats all" i said trying to stay confident, it was true though as much as i hate Ville hes the only one i can love in this way. Ville started to smile again which meant he knew all this, "ok come on lets get some breakfast" ville said turning to the fridge, i sighed quietly, i just wish i could go back to America i don't like being away from my friends anymore, "i was thinking we could catch a flight tonight to see Bam, well you can catch a flight i have some stuff i need to do here" Ville said while handing me a cup of tea and a plate of pancakes, "really?" i questioned, Ville looked at me and the most evil grin appeared on his face, "no as if i would be stupid enough to let you  go back to America on your own, Ashley and Bam can come here and stay in the spare room" he said, i felt stupid but happy still because i got to see Ashley again. "i'm going skating il see you later" i said kissing Villes cheak then grabbing my board and ipod. i started walking to the local skate park when Lauri joined me, "Prince of Darkness sent you to keep an eye on me?" i asked, "you know hes just looking out for you" Lauri said giving me a hug, we soon reached the skate park which was nearly empty as it was getting dark now. i went over to the half pipe where a few kids started saying stuff about girls being shit at skating so i thought id show them up, i did a few tricks then stopped as i noticed a familiar face, "BAM" i shouted running over to him, the kids who were saying stuff just stood there shocked, "come on zille zalo wants us back" Bam said taking my board off of me. 

We got back and i went and showered and got changed, before heading back downstairs. When i got downstairs i realised Ashley wasnt here, "Bam wheres Ash?" i questened, "out with Ville" Bam said with a worried tone, shit i thought i grabbed my phone and dialled Villes number, "hello" he answered, " wheres Ashley?" i asked, "well he wont be bothering us for a while" he said with evil in his voice, "ville if you have hurt him you can say goodbye to me now because i will be gone, and i will do everything in my power to see you hurt or killed" i said with the anger raising. "i havent hurt him i physically can't but you won't be seeing him while hes here, i will make your love for him disappear" he said before hanging up. i threw my phone at the wall and ran upstairs with Bam close behind me, i went in the music room and picked up Villes favorite guitar, "Alison think about what you are doing here" Bam said trying to take the guitar off of me, i couldnt bring myself to break it, so i just fell to my knees and started playing Oceans by Mallory Knox, the orginal song is about the singers love commiting suicide but right now it was the only song i could think of. i started to sing along with the music i was making ....

I'm a captain lost at sea, in the deep heading straight to the bottom

Are you alone when you think of me?

Just take a deep breath and watch me go down

I'm a pilot falling free, about to crash land straight to the bottom

Are you alone when you think of me?

Just take a deep breath and watch me go down

I wanna be like you

And I wanna see like you

And I'm a bird with broken wings, descending so fast straight to the bottom

Are you alone when you think of me

Just take a deep breath and watch me go down

And I'm a man with many dreams, I've seen them all fall straight to the bottom

I'm all alone inside you see

Just take a deep breath, and watch me go down

And I wanna be like you

And I wanna see like you

I wanna be and I wanna see

I wanna be like you

My paper wings never learn to fly

And I'm a fake cause I never tried

I fell asleep in a life of lies

With my conscience kicking in I could never get through to you

And I will swim through this mess I've made

Where I can pray for a tidal wave

So you can watch my body fade

Into the horizon the oceans have me now

And can you feel me dreaming of you

And can you feel me dreaming of you

Angel I wont need to know or need to say I want you

By the time i had finished singing i was in tears, Bam took the guitar off of me and pulled me into a hug, "it's going to be ok, your love is protecting Ash, Ville can't harm him" he said, "i know but this is all so wrong, as much as i want to hate Ville i can't and i don't think its because he has power over me, i think i generally love him, i love Ash too but hes more off a best friend, i just wish Ville would be nice all of the time rather then trying to prove to me hes the prince of darkness, i want him to trust me to do what i want." "i do trust you, i just wanted you to trust yourself, i'm sorry for being the person everyone knew i was becoming, i let the power go tomy head, but that night i drempt about you i knew i had to have you, so with all of my power i made it happen but i did it in the wrong way. Ash is fine hes downstairs he was in on the whole thing, we wanted you to believe in yourself, we wanted you to understand yourself and also to understand your feelings. Alison i want to marry you again but this time its your choice, you have made me rethink who i have become and well, will you marry me?" Ville said coming into the room, "yes" is all i could say. i think i might be happy for once...

Sorry the ending is rushed i just wanted to finish it as i was running out of ideas, thanks for reading :)

(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choiceWhere stories live. Discover now