Closet Monsters

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Everyone was once afraid of something when they were little. Whether it was fictional or real, we all can agree that we had many sleepless nights. But once they were gone, we were either cheering with joy or craving for more of the sensation. But we are glad they aren't real. But for children, anything is possible.

She pulled the covers up higher to her chin as she heard the crack of thunder. "Mommy!" She cried out. The hallway light flickered as a tall woman entered wearing a bath robe. "Everything's fine." She cooed to the small child. The child reached out for her mother's comfort. Her mother brought her into her warm embrace. "Everything's fine. Everything's fine." She cooed. "Can I sleep with you and daddy?" She asked. "Oh sweetie." The mother kissed her small daughter on the forehead. "I'll make sure to keep the night light on." She said. She walked over to the wall and flicked the small light on.

Shadows illuminated the walls and the small child snuggled underneath the covers. "Better?" The mother asked. Her daughter nodded and the mother closed the bedroom door behind her only leaving it open a crack. The small child rolled onto her side; staring at the window in front of her. A tree branch smacked against the window letting out a tap! tap! tap! The child then rolled onto her back; staring at the dark closet in front of her. She couldn't stop staring at the darkness and kept thinking of the many monsters that would creep out from the shadows to grab her. Then a loud scratch came from somewhere inside the room. The child looked around the room and then her attention went to underneath the bed.

She gulped and gathered up all the courage she had. She grabbed a flashlight from underneath her pillow and she looked down underneath her bed; turning on her flashlight in the process. She saw yellow piercing eyes stare at her in the darkness. Once she shone her flashlight underneath, a black cat jumped up in shock. It then scurried away and squeezed through the tiny crack in the door. The small child shrugged and turned off the flashlight. At that moment she heard a thud! coming from her closet. She slowly turned and saw a toy car roll on out. The small child turned to look at the doorway then at the closet. She took a deep breath, gathered up her courage, and stepped down from her bed. She slowly approached the closet and flicked on the flashlight.

Standing there in front of her was a tall man in a black suit. He wore a black fedora with a little card coming from the top. His long slender body towered over her and the light ran up onto his face. What she saw made her drop the flashlight and made it go out.

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