"Good bye 4-eyes!" She called poking fun at my glasses. I grumbled, it wasn't my fault I was half blind. I saw my Kawasaki Kz1000 resting behind Nikki's giant cat that she never uses. A few of my neighbours also had some cars scattered around, most I haven't met yet. I boarded my bike, rumbling down the street to my favourite place. Although Greens Place was on the edge of the bad and the good side of town, it took a while to pull up in front of a shabby looking warehouse.

The building was dirty, the once white paint peeling off the outside. Windows were cracked, broken or missing and the while building covered in old graffiti. The inside was no better but inside of being abandoned, it was filled with people. In the middle was a raised ring for fights. Off to the side was a full bar running across the wall.  Speakers blasted random dubstep songs, the place was crowded. I managed to push my way to the bar, waving at the bartender.

"What up Adrian?"

"Hey Razor, haven't seen you in a while" he chimed coming over. He was tall, muscular and could knock a guy out with one punch, but he was graceful and never fought. All the girls fawned over him, especially in summer where he rolls up his sleeves to show his flexing arms as he worked. But he always ignores and reject their advances.

"I've been busy" I shrugged, he passed me a can of coke. Adrian was one of the  owners of this club, the other one was his twin brother Landor. Both looked the same; same dark skin from their Greek parents, same dark chocolate coloured hair, the only difference is their eyes. Landor had warm brown eyes and Adrian had piercing green eyes. I chugged down the coke, watching the people grinding on each other with the music.

"You signing up?" Adrian called, grabbing a small black book.

"Yeah, gotta earn my rent money somehow" I said scribbling my name down for the fights. Downing the rest of my coke, I began dancing with the crowd screaming lyrics. Soon, the music died down to a dull thump and Landor stood at the mic.

"Are you ready to rumble?!" He called over the screaming crowd. One after the other, both men and woman fought in the ring. The crowd cheered and booed for their bet. Soon, it came to the last two.

"Final round! We have an ex-marine vs our champion. Danny vs Razor!" The crowd went wild as I manoeuvred my way to the stage, people patted my back and wished me luck. Across from me stood larger male with a shaven hair cut, his muscles bulging from under his grey shirt. He looked at me up and down before getting into a fighting stance,

He began circling me with careful steps, I continued to keep eye contact. The tension from the audience was so thick as they had no idea who would strike first. Danny did, he swing out his leg for a roundhouse. I dodged but barely had time for the side hit coming for my face. He hit my ear, it began stinging and ringing. The crowd went wild, I smiled feeling the adrenaline flowing through my veins. I dodged the next attack by squatting down as he punched. I lurched myself up, the top of my head hitting his jaw. He tumbled back, holding his jaw and trying to keep his balance. Before he could, I stuck him with a cowards kick sending him to the crowd below. They dispersed leaving him to land on the concrete below. Landor came up, waving his hand in front of Danny's face.

"K.O! RAZOR WINS!" He called, handing me my earnings. My ear still hurt but at least it was over quick. I walked back to the bar, downing the rest of my drink as the music picked up again.

"Later!" I called,

"Leaving so soon?" Adrian said disposing of my can.

"I've got school" I shrugged leaving the bar area. I found myself back in the chilly night air, it felt good for my red ear and headache. I walked through the back roads, enjoying the quiet night when a force pushed me back. My back hit a dumpster with a loud bang, groaning I saw a large male with the same shirt as Danny had.

"Friend of the loser?"
I asked earning a kick in the ribs as my reply. I coughed, gagging on blood before spitting it out. I rose to my feet,

"Fucker" I muttered swinging at the guy, hitting his sternum. He got his breath kicked out of him as I kicked his feet out from under him. He fell to the ground where I grabbed his shirt and punched him repeatedly. His head snapped to the side at every punch, he head butted me leaving me stunned. Before he attacked, I kicked him hard and sent him back out of the alley and onto a car. A familiar voice filled my ears as he exited the car. I chuckled,

This night is turning out to be quite interesting.
I came from the alley way, smiling at his shock. His mouth opened and closed like a fish,

"Why hello there Mr. Jerk Face!"

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