"Of course. Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine, just come by the house. We'd love to see you!"

Lauren hung up the receiver and stared at the phone. There was a bounce in her step as she exited the phone booth and started walking. Her feet carried her along a familiar path and rows of houses until she reached the one that looked the most familiar. She walked up the sidewalk and took a deep breath before she knocked on the door. Alejandro answered the door and enveloped her in a huge hug as he pulled her inside. Sinu met her at the door and wrapped her in her arms.

"Would you like something to drink?" Alejandro asked as they walked into the living room.

Lauren shook her head. "Where's Camila?"

"Why don't you have a seat?"

Both looked at each other and gestured to the couch. Lauren dropped her bag and sat down, each of the men in recliners to her left.

"She'd called us after you left," Sinu started. "She...honey, she told us everything. She was hysterical and upset and hurt. We thought at first she was maybe delusional so we went to the city and she showed us the letter. That young man, Harry, he was there with her. He left the day after we got here but he told us the same story and he showed us...he...well, he showed us."

Lauren nodded. "Yeah, Harry told me."

"Then, about six months ago Camila called us and said she was on her way home. She wouldn't give an explanation, she wouldn't tell us why. Just that she wanted to come home."

"We knew something had happened," Sinu said. "But she wouldn't tell us."

"And?" Lauren choked. "Wh-what happened?"

The sound of the front door unlocking made Lauren jump but the sound of a sweet voice calling out for her Mom and Dad made her jump even more. She sprang from the couch and stood, staring at the doorway as Camila stepped inside.

"Dad, you are not going to believe what one of tho...se...kids...did...Oh my God."

Lauren locked eyes with the brunette standing in the foyer of the house. Lauren shifted nervously and clutched her lower lip between her teeth.

"Hey you," was all the raven haired girl could think of to say. "It's...been a while."

Camila nodded. "T-two years."

"We'll leave you two to get caught up," Alejandro said with a smile. He patted Camila's shoulder on the way out the front door with Sinu following close behind.

Camila stayed in the foyer. "I'm sorry I just...I wasn't expecting to come home and be met with...you."

"Well after what your parents just told me I wasn't really expecting you to walk through the door."

"So you know?"

"They didn't have a chance to say much. I'm so sorry I took so long."

"I understand, Lauren."

"So what now?"

"I'd really, really love to kiss you." Camila nodded.

"Why are you standing over there, then?"

That was all it took for Camila to run into the living room. She flung her arms around Lauren's neck and smiled before pressing her lips to the green eyed girl's. Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist and almost lifted the girl off the ground as she kissed her. Tongues dueled and Camila started trying to pull the pair toward the staircase. Lauren eagerly followed. Lips barely left lips as they ascended the staircase and fell into a bed.

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