Part 2

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"Celina why do Ced do momma like that?" Mandell which was Mandy oldest son asked as the four layed in the bed beside their grandma. Still naked and out her body Celina took a look at her mom and shook her head. Turning her attention back on Mandell.

"Hey yall my name is Celina. Im Mandys only  sister. Im 10years old but I don seen more than the average 25 year old has ever witness. Im so sick of this shit yall. Yea im young and I know ion suppose to be cursing but its only so much a young girl can take. School just started two months ago and I already don missed 7days. Lindsey which she dont deserve me calling her mom be forcing me to stay here with the kids while she go out and  support my sister to do nasty things for money. IM SO SICK OF THIS! I feel like just hanging myself!"

"Celina....Celina...Celina?"  Celina snapped out her daze hearing her lil nephew Mandell call her name waiting for an answer.

"Im sorry...say what?"

"Why momma got to go through that bad stuff Celina?"

Celina shook her head grabbing Mandell closer.

"I dont know..... I really dont know!"

**2hrs later 5:47am**

Lindsey woke up rubbing her nose high finally wore off. Seeing her grandkids and daughter around her some just didnt feel right. She got up and walked to the front and looked out the window and could see Ceds car. Calling his phone no answer.... calling Mandy name but no answer. She burst in the back play room and could see Mandy laying covered in bloody sheets. She gasped for air, Immediately hearing Ced talking to himself panicking running water in the bathroom.

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