@kelseyttt A sweet throwback in honor of my girl officially signing with THE Pens!!🐧 #BestGirlGoalieToLive #WatchOutBoys

She had known Kelsey for eight years now, and even being in completely different states for college- ten hours apart, wouldn't change their bond. From being fourteen and trying to just meet up at a mall to celebrating being twenty-one together at a club somewhere in NYC. It was a friendship that Emerson was sure would stand even through her upcoming hectic schedule of a professional hockey player. But Kelsey was someone that Emerson admired, even being peers. She was a strong girl that all those years ago helped Emerson to find confidence that transferred onto the ice. Having someone to support and guide her through high school, be a voice was so important to who she was now... And who could break a bond of two girls in which one had to come to their sports draft in replace of family?

But seeing that picture of the two made Emerson's heartache, wishing that they could be together right now. But the reality was that life was taking over. They were no longer college kids who could do whatever and go wherever. Kelsey needed to find a job, in fact she'd probably stay in the city where she went to school at NYU. It did suck, but the goalie knew she couldn't ask anyone to change their lifestyle for her alone. The last thing she wanted was to lose people she cared about, but things were about to get very different.


After a few hours of lounging around the hotel, watching TV and taking a hot bath, Emerson was excited when she received a text asking for a facetime. As many people as she was seeing on a daily basis, having conversations with, Emerson still felt secluded from so much of the world.

Her Apple laptop showed it's 'connecting' screen, the usual noise humming out..

"There's my girl!" appearing on Emerson's computer screen was a chubbier man who also just graduated college. His loud voice filled the room, making the girl feel once again comfortable having someone familiar feel close. His black glasses, for show, sat on the bridge of his nose scrunched up as he was smiling so hard. His regular black hair was being tamed with gel..

"Hey! Sorry we haven't been able to facetime, it's been crazy." Emerson immediately apologized to her friend, knowing she had been oddly distant from social media and other people regarding her schedule..

"Oh I've been seeing! I mean oh my gosh everyone is just loving this... well most people. Can't please everyone, especially these men so stuck in their ways about-"

"Pete!" a giggle escaped her lips, "It's okay! No need to go on one of your rants about this topic."

"Well someone needs to point out the darksides to this sport."

"I really don't think girls playing in the NHL on a daily basis is a darkside Pete."

"Okay true. Cause you gotta be one tough cookie to handle it, which obviously you are."

"Yeah, I really hope so. I just really would like to meet some of my teammates to help alleviate most of my worries, ya know?" Emerson watched as Pete ran his fingers through his dark hair. It was the first time she had seen him trying to he so dressed up in awhile and it made her curious.

"Makes sense." he only shrugged seeming at a loss for words, for once.

"Why do you look so nice?"

"I had a job interview over Skype last week and they called me again to tell me I got it! Wanted to make sure I could still give a good impression."

"That's amazing!" an involuntary smile grew onto Emerson's lips. She was happy to see just another friend succeeding and able to figure things out. It felt like her life as of now was the only one with a concrete plan, that still had many questions, "now where? I'm gonna be heartbroken if it's in like California or something..."

A very knowing grin was planted on Pete's lips as he took an overly dramatic pause before saying, "...Pittsburgh."

Emerson's mind took a minute to fully understand what she had just heard, "w-wait? Like here, with me??" she felt dumbfounded almost not sure if she had heard him correctly; was she seriously not going to be alone?

"You know it. Someone's gotta make sure your eating correctly and doing laundry... I lived with you and those other annoying teammates of yours for three years! I know this is about to get crazy."

"You're one sneaky jerk and I love you!"

"Well of course you do. Now I've already done some research on good places for us and the Fifth Avenue School Lofts are legit a two minute drive, nine minute walk from the arena-"

"How have you already thought of everything?"

"Cause I know you won't! I was talking with Kelsey and we want to be able to alleviate any type of stresses you could have."

Emerson smiled sadly, tears starting to prick at the edges of her eyes. She sniffled before wiping away the wetness pooling in her vision. She had been worrying nonstop about being alone, finding a good place, not having her support.. It was hard not to well up with emotion knowing your two best friends were watching out for you, "I seriously love you guys.."

"Yeah yeah, save those happy tears for when I finally get to you."

"I will don't worry."

Pete rested one of his cheeks against his fist, leaning. He smiled happy seeing how affected his friend was. Keeping this a secret from her was well worth it. But it was easy to see, even through a screen, just how tired Emerson was, "Are you tired Ems, do you want me to let you go?"

"I wanna say no but-" right on cue a small yawn elicited from her mouth, "kinda.." she chuckled, "Ah I can't wait for the season to start."

"I'm sure.. now let's talk soon, ok?"

"Definitely." the two friends said their 'goodbyes' before hanging up. Already Emerson missed seeing his bright face. She'd start counting down to the days when he'd pull her into one of his big bear hugs and they'd figure things out together.

Pete King was a fellow student at Boston College. Emerson remembered meeting him about a month into the first semester.. she had been walking into the student dorms for athletes when they walked right into each other at about midnight. For some odd reason they just kept meeting and a friendship was formed. He was a thrower for their track team, and in high school he had been a state champion. He even used to be a hockey player back in the day... and easily they bonded over their love of sports and food. Pete was a rather talkative person that adored physical contact of any kind- especially when drunk you could hardly get him off. He was a character that was rather close to being the definition of opposite of her.

The sun was almost completely set. It's rays were now a dull pink surrounded by the night sky. City buildings were lighting up, their outlines almost blending in with the skyline. Emerson was sure she could never get bored of this view, and as she laid on the bed staring out the window she hoped she'd never have to.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: so a slight disclaimer; obviously I don't know how everything works so if timelines don't add up--- well it's fanfic😂😂 hope you enjoy, please vote and comment!

**Also if ppl know how preseason practices work exactly and wanna correct anything u can let me know, but I don't want this to solely focus on the hockey aspects lol**

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