"If you can't handle the Phantom Dragon, what makes you think you can handle Yoshiro?" Gaara frowned.

"He's nothing like that guy." Naruto argued.

"You're wrong about that. Listen Naruto, I know you miss him and you want him to come back to the leaf....but...he won't go back. He hates it there. He told me he's never going back to Konoha....If you actually care about him as much as you say you do, leave him alone." Gaara frowned causing Naruto's eyes to widen.

"What do you mean if we care about him as much as we say we do? Are you implying that we don't care about him? If that's the case, why would we go through all this trouble?" Sasuke asked.

"I....umm..." his eyes widened.

"There's something you're not telling us isn't there?" I asked causing his eyes to widen more.

"Please leave." he frowned.

"Gaara, wait, why won't you tell us?" Naruto frowned.

"Anbu, escort our guests out." he ordered before walking up the stairs, towards the bedrooms.

"I'm sorry, I'll come visit." Temari smiled at Shikamaru before running after Kankuro as he ran after Gaara.

"This is troublesome." Shikamaru sighed as we were escorted out of their house.

"What do you think he was so upset about?" Naruto frowned.

"It's probably nothing. Yoshiro hated the village, he's probably just thinking about how Yoshiro would feel." Jiraiya shrugged.

"We should keep tabs on that Phantom Dragon guy, if we follow him, we're bound to run into Yoshiro eventually." Sasuke nodded.

"M-Maybe we sh-should listen to G-Gaara." Hinata stuttered.

"I agree with Hinata, we should respect Yoshiro's decisions. As his friends, we owe him that much." Shino added.

"I agree, don't you Akamaru?" Kiba nodded causing Akamaru to bark in agreement.

"Kurenai, what's gotten into your team?" Asuma asked causing her to pale.

"Umm...We just.....we want him to be happy." she smiled nervously causing me to narrow my eyes at them.

"We're bringing him back." I growled causing everyone to look at me.

"Kakashi, maybe we should let him go. Think about what your brother wants." Konan frowned causing me to glare at her.

"Hatake, stop acting like a child. Your brother is practically an adult, he can take care of himself and he can make his own decisions." Itachi said as he stepped in front of Konan and activated his sharingan.

"Enough you two. You're not solving anything." Asuma scolded while blowing out smoke.

"We should head home, it's a long journey back to the leaf." Kurenai nodded.

We walked in silence for a while until Naruto walked up to me.

"Umm, Kakashi Sensei? How do you know the Phantom Dragon?" he asked

"He's the one that stabbed me and put me in the hospital during the war. He almost killed all of us. If we were to fight him, we'd have to have flawless teamwork and we'd have to fight him before he gets any stronger, that's how strong he is. Someone that strong shouldn't exist. He needs to be eliminated. It's unnerving to hear my brother is associating with him. He's not a good person, you can tell by the way he carries himself." I explained.

"Well, if he let you live, that counts for something right?" Kiba laughed awkwardly as everyone else glared at him for saying something so idiotic.

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