Chapter Nine

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Akira's point of view.

The next day was a school day, just the normal boring routine.. Akio was the only one who made it a little more fun.

Today wasn't as boring during lunch though, it was interesting. A younger girl that looks to be fifteen confessed to me, I only been here for a few weeks or so.. I tried to turn her down without making her cry, but she did anyways...

So I befriended her, she was very quite, probably because I rejected her.

Myself, Aiko and Shysuke San were walking around looking through shop windows and overall just having fun like we would if we were elementary students.

"Kurusu Senpai? Can I hold your hand?" Asked Shysuke.

The question made me feel awkward knowing she confessed to me and now she wants to hold my hand..

"I know... it's weird, just nevermind" she said looking away with a blush.

She was cute, and I felt like she was my little sister, that's how I thought of her. I felt bad seeing her look upset so I held her hand. I felt her surprised gaze on me but I kept looking forward.

"Hey Akira? Don't we got math work?" Asked Akio.

"I think so" I replied.

"Let's all got to the park and maybe if Shysuke Chan has anything we can help her!" As she said this she wrapped her arm around mine making us walk faster and I felt my hand leave Shysuke Chan's.

We found an outdoor table under a big green tree, and started unpacking our school work.

I finished mine pretty quickly and I helped Akio and Shysuke San with their work.

"Shysuke Chan.. you did it wrong again, that's the wrong formula.." I said.

"Kurusu Senpai.. you can call me Emari" she said with a shy smile.

Emari sounded like Futabas name for Yusuke, Inari.

"Then you can call me by my first name, only to make it fair." I said.

A few moments later...

After a boring few minuets later my phone vibrated and I expected a message, but I was instead met with a turning-off screen... I forgot to charge my phone last night, I thought it would survive considering it being at forty-six percent..

. . .

Yusuke's Pov.

Akira has not been answering my recent messages, did I upset him? He could be busy with homework.. or what if he finds someone else better? I'm not gonna sleep tonight, I thought while my head was resting on my right hand.

"Dude.. you okay?" Ryuji suddenly asked.

"Yes, I'm just a bit worried..." I replied sitting up straight.

"Yusuke, your foods gonna get cold!" Ann said sliding the noodle cup across the table.

"Go see him then, the train ride is pretty long though.. but the ticket costs four thousand yen" (said Ryuji)

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