1. Lost Soul

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Third POV.

The streets of London were bustling once again with life. Nobles walked down the road, showing off to the world their expensive clothing and jewels. Some stands of food and treats were seated on the sides of the road, their owners selling their products proudly. Little children ran on the road, smiling widely and laughing. A truly wonderful sight for the human eye. It was as if nothing could go wrong... as if everyone was equal and crime did not exist.


From the shadows, a dark being searched for its next victim. A pure one. Those kind of souls were easy to lure and manipulate. However, it was really difficult to find one nowdays with all the corrupted persons that plague the world. Amber yellow-ish hues scaned every single crowd that passed nearby. He is the type of predator that never let his prey escape.

Why does he do it, though...?

What good does it bring?

Just for mere fun...

A sweet, intoxicating sent made it past his nostrils that made his pupils dilate in alarm. He being the the total hunter he is, wasted no time on exiting the dark alley he dwelled in. He was after a woman who carried a basket of fresh eggs, evidently she was a newly hired farmer due that she walked aimmesly. She was clearly lost.

An easy prey indeed.

His alburn brown hair gleamed once the sunlight made contact with him, making him look almost like he was a prince out of a fairy tale. The clothes he wore made it easier for him to blend with the commoners. Both males and females, young and old, blushed light pink whenever they passed near him. Some even sayd really dirty things. He smirked slyly, his eyes glinting with mischief.

...How pitiful...

???'s POV.

Humans... they sure are strage individuals... it's stupid how they become happy or sad for such little things... Normal ones work everyday for a living... Poor ones succumb in despair as death creeps slowly toward them... and Rich ones... they are the most disgusting ones... so greedy... so spoiled... so pathetic...

I started to strut towards the woman, my gut twisting in painful but pleasurable ways, blood pumping faster by seconds. The beast I held caged below my skin clawed at it, begging to be released... I shook the feeling aside, and placed a hand on the pure woman's shoulder, catching her attention.

Catalina's POV [I'mma name her like that,k?]

'Oh god, if I don't hurry the boss will be really angry at me... still... I don't know where I'm going... hah I knew I should have brought James...'

I thought as I sighed... This things always happen to me... I'm so dumb... I can't even ask for help. As I fighted with myself, I failed to notice a pressence behind me until I feelt a hand on my shoulder making me jump a little. When I turned around, there was a man with midnight hair, amber yellow eyes and a bright smile on his face.

"My lady are you alright? I could not help but notice that you seem a little lost?"

His deep, velvetly voice was almost angelic. Ok, act casual Cata.

"I... umm was heading to the market but it seems that I uhh..."

I trailed off. Can this day be worse? I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, he lifted one eyebrow perfectly, as if it were his speciality. It's clear that he was confused. I blushed lightly at his face.

"Ahh... you got yourself lost, right?

If it was posible I blushed to the point that I could put a tomato in shame. I nodded.

"So you need to go to the market, right? I'm heading there, so how about if we go there together?

He tilted his head to the side and extended his arm towards me, making my heartbeat pick up the pace.

"S-Sure... I'll follow you..."

I wispered as I placed a hand above my heart, triying to calm the racing beat. He suddenly grabbed my hand, startling me.

"Here... I know a shortcut..."

Time Skip.

???'s POV.

Things are going smooth... really smooth... I always enjoy an easy prey... so naive... so pure... ...so stupid... I could hear her racing heartbeat from here.

...Foolish little girl...

She gripped my hand tighter when we entered a lone alley. ...Ehhh...atleast she didn't question it... I wasted no time slamming her petite body into the wall and attacking her neck in need.  I licked, sucked and nipped at the warm flesh. Sweet as expected.


Her moans... so full of innocence... clearly a virgin due her behavior earlier... but... she is holding back... heh... Makes things more fun for both of us. I covered her mouth with my hand as I bored my fangs on her neck and tugged harshly, ripping a chunk of creamy white flesh and some part of the throat. Blood splattered on the floor and walls, some even on me, as she tried to scream, but the only sound that could be heard were gurgles and wheezing. A truly wonderful sight.

Now for her soul...

I tutted.

"Look at the mess you did.
I have to clean this up ya' know?"

I crouched besides her, a sinister smirk formed on my face. Terrifiying due that her expresion showed pure fear.

"It's fine... I know I will get something in exchange..."

....Your little lost soul...



Whoah...that went from 0 to 100 real quick. [I regret nothing!]

Anyways, the picture above are the clothes this misterious character wore. The green parts are supposed to be brown and the blue one khaki. Ignore Link completely, k? Next chapter will be out soon. And when I say 'soon' it means two centuries later.

Vision out!

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