11. Control

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"I'm so excited for you girls to meet him! He's so amazing and he's soo good to me!" Sapphire beamed

"Well who is this guy? How come you haven't told us about him sooner?" Gina asked

"Because I wasn't for sure how this was going to go or if we even wanted to be serious about a relationship, but now I know. He is all right and just for me, it's like we're destined to be together."

"Well we're all glad you've found somebody, we can't wait to meet him." Crystal said

"Why are we glad and who are we meeting?" Tiffany said coming down the stairs

"Sapphire has found herself a boyfriend." Gina said

A boyfriend huh? Now is this before or after you gave him the pussy?" She said snorting in laughter

"Tiffany.." Mary started but Sapphire stopped her

"No need, Mary. Nothing can bring me down, not even this evil, psycho bitch. At least I have a man that loves me for me."

"How sweet, so when do we get the pleasure of meeting this guy." She asked as there was a knock at the door and Sapphire began to smile

"Right now." Sapphire said going to the door to answer it

She opened it and there stood Eric, he brightly smiled once he saw Sapphire open the door and she immediately gave him an embracing hug

"I want you to meet the rest of the girls."

He looked at her worriedly, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry they'll all love you, just like I do." She reassured as she led him into the living room where the rest of the girls are

"Okay guys, this is my boo, Eric." Sapphire introduced

"Hi Eric, I'm Crystal."

"I'm Gina."

"I'm Mary."

"And I'm Sapphire's best friend, Tiffany." She grinned as Mary nudged her


"What? I'm just having a little fun, she knows I'm only kidding, but it's nice to see she's found someone to make her happy and her little friend as well." She said with a sly grin as Sapphire glared at her

"It's nice to meet all of you." He said

"So, where are you from?" Gina asked

"I'm from Newhaven."

"Oh, that's the next town over. How did you two end up meeting each other."

"We happened to bump into each other and from then on, we've been pretty much inseparable." Sapphire smiled while looking up at him

"Are you a human, Eric?" Tiffany asked

"Yes I am."

"Really? You seem a little different to just be a normal human." She said stepping closer to him as he tried his best not to show his nervousness

"I can assure you, I'm all human."

"Hm.." She said while lightly touching his arm. "Maybe I'm just tripping, after all I've only been with a human once and that was a trip. Well anyway, you two enjoy yourselves and don't make too much noise up there."

"Ladies, if you'll excuse us, we'll be upstairs in my room." Sapphire said while the others smiled

"You go girl, do your thing." Gina said as Sapphire blushed and went upstairs with Eric

His Darkest Desires |BWWM|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora