Bonds broken by destiny?! Part 1.

Start from the beginning

"Oh I see, and let me guess you want to kidnap me, to blackmail them into doing your biding?" he sneered "You will not succeed. I mean nothing to them".

"Oh I know" the boy replied "We are not here for so puny matter. We have other ways to deal with Tara and Jaden Yuki. Taking you will only weaken them a little. I am here for you Mr. Kaiba. Time to free you from your suffering the twins have caused you. Time to join the true world of darkness".

Then the boy's eyes glowed in a strange blue light, and Kaiba could feel how his mind went blank, before he slowly got swallowed by the darkness.

Tara's p.o.v.

Back at Duel academy.

Tara was shaking violently inside, as the images from this vision disappeared. Her powers had once again revealed those disturbing's, but unlike that nightmare she was having this morning, Tara knew this was a vision of the future, if not it already was happening. Sorano had just been with them. It was the only explanation.

"Jaden, we need to go. Sorano and the others are in danger" Tara replied slowly. Jaden nodded slightly. He was as shaken as she was, over seeing these images.

"Jaden Yuki, it my turn to duel" a student then said and was standing on the dueling field, and bowed respectfully to him.

Jaden groaned a little. They didn't have the time for this. Tara bit her lip as well, and turned towards the only one she felt like could help them. Hassleberry looked puzzled at her.

"Tara, my beautiful dino queen, what is wrong?" he questioned as they locked eyes.

"I am sorry" Jaden said and scratched his hair a little sheepishly "But my sister and I don't feel like dueling more today. So give us a break".

Tara could hear all the students mumble in annoying's by that, but she didn't care. This was more important than grades. She just hoped Zane would forgive her for having low grades.

"Hassleberry, come. I could use your help" Tara replied slowly.

"My, my dino queen needs me?" Hassleberry uttered shocked and tears were shown in his eyes. He quickly covered it with his hands. "Never thought I would see this day. The Sarge and my dino queen needs me!". Tara sweat dropped a little by that, but soon she rushed after Jaden, who was running towards the forest around Da.

"Tara, can you sense anything strange up ahead?" Jaden questioned as they ran.

"Yeah, on the field just up ahead. Haou tells me he can feel a lot of darkness gathered here" Tara replied. Jaden nodded in agreement.

"Good, then I am not the only one. Yubel can as well" Jaden said.

"Sarge, my Dino queen, where are we actually going?" Hassleberry questioned.

"Just keep up Hassleberry" Jaden replied firmly.

Soon they arrived at that place where Tara and Haou could detect this darkness were coming from. However the only thing they found was cards lying on the ground, tainted in darkness. Tara bit her lip in worry, but bowed down to examine those cards. Haou was right beside her in spirit form. Wrinkles with worry (surprisingly) was formed on his forehead. Tara could feel the darkness vibrate through her fingers, but unlike the gentle darkness, it wasn't a pleasant feeling. It felt gross and well just wrong. Tara ended up dropping the card pretty quickly.

"The true form of darkness" Haou mused behind her. "Compared to our powers, this has no qualms in anything to get what it wants".

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