Chapter 10

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Everyone was in the lodge and in their own rooms with a roommate. Luckily for Lauren, she was paired up with Ailee.

"Do we have anything planned?" Lauren said in English as she asked Ailee out of curiosity. 

She began to walk around their hotel room observing it.

It was definitely big enough for two people with a small kitchen included. The tan walls and the wooden floor gave it that rustic looking feel. Along with the wooden furniture and beds.

"I'm not sure. I think we'll most likely have dinner with the rest of them but I'm not sure." Ailee responded back in English as she kept unpacking her bag.

"Hmm okay," Lauren said as she sighed and sat at the edge of her bed which was the one closest to the door.

Ailee finished unpacking and sat next to Lauren on her bed but flopped her back down onto it. Lauren looked over at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You have your own bed you know," Lauren said.

"Yeah, but yours is more comfortable." Ailee laughed.

Lauren only shook her head with a smile on her face and grabbed her phone from her pocket.

"Oh yeah, have you seen the comments on the forums about the show yet?" Ailee asked as she sat up.

"A few, why?" Lauren said as she just browsed the web.

"You know, a lot of people think you and Jin are a couple," Ailee said.

Lauren froze for a quick moment and blinked a few times but shook her head and kept browsing.

"Yeah, I saw," Lauren said in a monotone voice.

"I'm upset! I didn't see any with me and someone else." Ailee pouted.

Lauren put her phone down and back into her pocket and brought her legs up onto the bed and crossed them. She turned her body around to face Ailee.

"You're too good for anyone here," Lauren said with a smile.

"Aw, you know how to make a girl feel special," Ailee said as she tapped Lauren's arm lightly with a silly look on her face.

"I'm stating the truth. You're too good for anyone." Lauren laughed.

"Maybe, but I'm getting close to the age on where I should be thinking about this sort of thing," Ailee said as she smiled sadly.

"You can just marry me," Lauren said nonchalantly as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure, but you have to do all the cooking," Ailee said.

"Only if you do the dishes," Lauren responded.

"Deal," Ailee said as she reached her arm out for a handshake and Lauren took it. 

Both girls shook on it as they laughed with one another.

Lauren and Ailee's friendship had really bloomed while they lived together. Lauren felt that she could just act freely with her and not care about appearances. It also helped that she was from the States because she felt more at home with her and when they were alone they would speak English which was refreshing to Lauren.

There is an age difference between the both of them but they didn't feel it at all. Ailee has a very bubbly personality which made her seem younger and Lauren has more of a mature attitude which made her seem older. So it was the perfect balance between them.

"We should probably head down to eat now," Ailee said as she got up from Lauren's bed and to grab her coat from the coat rack.

"Do you think we're going to have something spicy again? I don't think I can handle any more spicy things." Lauren sighed as she got up to follow Ailee out of their room.

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