Chapter Sixty Three-Russ

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"For fucksake" I mutter to myself trying to hold two pieces of the cot together whilst I screwed them together...each time I do they fall

"You do know putting a cot together is a two man job soft arse?" Justin asks from the doorway to the nursery where I am

It is? I frown "how do you know?" I ask and he holds up the box the cot came in and points where the sign of two people assemble required and quirks his eyebrow up smirking at me

I roll my eyes "Whatever fuckface get your arse over here and help me" I tell him

He walks in and kneels down picking up the instructions...

"Did amber get to yours okay?" I ask him

He grins and rolls his eyes "Fucking hell man,she's just down the road...yes she's fine" he tells me and mutters "Fucking pussy" to himself

"I fucking heard that ya little twuntwaffle" I growl "an besides you were fucking worse than I am when Eva was carrying double A" I tell him using my nickname for the twins

Justin glares at me "Stop calling them that... call them by their names you fuckturd,it ain't that hard" he growls "Aidan & Anaya" he says to me slowly gesturing their names separately

"Anyway!! How was Eva yesterday when she came home?" I ask him

"She was quiet,you could tell she'd been first I thought it was just her hormones cos they've been all over the place lately" he tells me "I mean she cried when she couldn't find her other shoe man" he shakes his head

I chuckle "fun and games eh?" I ask him

"Something for you to look forward to my man"  he chuckles with a wink

I flip him the bird

"Did she tell you?" I ask him and he nods

"She was hurt like,amber normally tells her everything and when my girl learnt amber kept this from her... she couldn't understand why amber did,so I think that's what she's gunna ask amber... she wants to know everything" he tells me

"Trust me mate,it's been killing my girl to keep this from Eva for so long" I tell him as i hold the cot pieces together so he can screw it together

"I have no doubt lad" he sighs

"'s the wedding prep goin?" He asks with a grin "you nervous?"

I grin "Psssssh! Nah mate! I'd get married today if I could!" I tell him "She's finally gunna be mine Rome" I grin the biggest grin ever to grace my face

He chuckles slapping my back "Enjoy it mate,cos it goes hella fast" he tells me "is everything ready?" He asks me

"Yup! All sorted,just gotta go over final deets at The Titanic Hotel...then that's it" I grin

"Where's amber staying the night before? We doing what we did for mine?" He asks

I shrug "Can do,amber hasn't said anything so am thinking that was the dad,our Craig and you can stay here and amber and all the girls can stay at yours" I tell him with a grin

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now