His search was quick, but thorough. He used a detection wand made specifically for finding certain electronic devices and he swept every single thing in every room, to include drawers, cabinets, under beds, pillows, and everything else. He was shocked at what he found.

When he returned, his news wasn’t pleasant. “There were listening devices in every room and trackers in places like the children’s shoes and in every handbag and pair of shoes she owns. Some were even imbedded in the seams of clothing.”

He turned to Alyssa, explaining to her, “Don’t pack anything. We will take care of everything in Kansas. Everything they have has some small tracking device in it. In fact, we will buy new clothes on the way to the airport, and change them in the parking lot. It’s not safe otherwise. Let’s go. We need to leave now!”

Mig was thinking on the way to the super store that the only two places he didn’t find them were in the diapers, underwear, and socks of the children. Alyssa would be horrified if she found out they had been in her personal things. He was embarrassed to go through them also, but he was all business on a job, and there was nothing too personal to check.

Amanda turned to Josh. “I trust you’ll bring her back here? Good luck getting them to the airport. My prayers go ahead of you. Call me when they’ve taken off. I’m going to the hospital to see about Paul.”

Alyssa turned her head suddenly. “Please let me know how he’s doing. He wouldn’t be hurt if he weren’t trying to protect me. He’s a great friend. I’d hate to lose him.”

“Me too, Lyss.” Then to Josh, “Get her a track phone; the disposable kind. Her phone was bugged. These folks know her well enough to be allowed in her house.” Alyssa butted in: “The only ones to come over were the babysitter, my in-laws, and Allen. They came to pick the kids up.” She looked like she would faint.

“That narrows our search down a bit. Thanks again, Alyssa. Be safe. I’ll see you in a few hours.”


At the super store, Alyssa was swift. Knowing her children’s sizes made shopping easy. She grabbed a diaper bag, diapers, wipes, a sippie cup, two shirts and two bottoms, panties and socks, and a new pair of shoes for each child. The rest they’d get later. This would get them there. She was out in less than ten minutes. Thankfully, the police department had spare carseats that they were able to use.

Changing the children was a bit of a challenge in the back of a blacked out truck, but she managed. The men waited outside the car for privacy’s sake, but for protection as well. Alyssa had managed to pick up some things for herself, as she figured her clothes were no longer safe. She’d already changed in the bathroom, including her intimate clothing, and thrown her old ones away. If they were being followed, none of this would matter, but if they were just being tracked, all would be fine.

The airport wasn’t a long drive, only about an hour and a half. A loud crack rang out, and Alyssa heard something ping against the glass in the back window! “What was that?”

“That’s gunfire, sweetheart. We’ll get rid of them. You put yourself over the kids, okay?” She nodded, trying so hard not to scream or cry.

“How..?” was all she could say before Mig leaned out the window and fired at the tires of the vehicle behind them. He managed to get two of them and that was enough to stop the threat. As soon as his head was back in and the window up, Josh pressed the gas pedal to the floor. After five minutes, and Mig watching the whole time behind them, they were clear.

Josh made a phone call, but Alyssa was in shock, so she wasn’t able to process his end of the conversation. She finally sat up and the kids continued sleeping, oblivious to the danger.

After Shock (#2 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now