The Break I So Desperately Needed

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*Alexander's POV*

I'm in my office working, I have been since Monday and it is now Wednesday. The only breaks I've taken are to eat dinner and to use the bathroom. No sleep, just writing all day and all night. I don't realize that I'm in desperate need of a break, but continue writing anyway. I don't even know what I'm writing for anymore, but I keep going until-
The door opens
Eliza takes my hand, I don't resist.
Everything stops
I'm led outside to our garden, in the center of the garden, where it is the most quiet. We sit there together, holding hands, enjoying the silence. The silence of bugs buzzing with a gentle breeze blowing by and a warm spring sun shining on our faces. I feel sleepy so I rest my head on her shoulders, and she puts her head on mine. I smile as my eyes get heavier and heavier.
Soon enough, everything's dark.
I feel my body getting heavier and sliding off of my wife's shoulder. Eventually, I'm strung across the bench with my head in her lap. I feel her move my hair back from my eyes and secure it behind my ears. The last thing I hear is her humming softly and then I'm asleep

AN: This is just something I came up with I figured I'd post to keep you occupied until the next big story comes out, it probably didn't happen, but I like it because it makes you feel like you're actually there in Alexander's position also it's really peaceful and I hope it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside when you do read it.
As a warning, this is the calm before the storm, a sad and traumatic story is on it's way but it's gonna be long so get ready. Thank you and have a good night

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