Peggy's Rescue Mission

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Angelica was finishing her laundry until, CRASH!

"PHILIP SCHUYLER CHURCH!" She screamed and ran to the parlor where she had seen the little boy last. He wasn't there. She started looking around, Angelica checked the kitchen, the dining room, even the garden. He was nowhere on the first floor. She went upstairs and checked her room; nope, not there.

"Eliza, have you seen Philip?" She asked walking into her room.

"Can't say I have, but I heard a crash that I think came from father's office." Eliza responded

"I'll check there, I heard the crash too and I'm pretty sure Philip caused it." Angelica walked into the office, Mr. Schuyler had to go to the market for the day so his office had been absent; that is, until little Philip stumbled upon the gun cabinet and decided to get a really close look. This led to climbing a chair to try and grab the pistol on the top shelf, and falling, taking the entire cabinet down with him. Angelica looked over and saw her son in the corner clutching the pistol and sobbing silently.

Angelica rushed over to him, relieved that he wasn't hurt, neither was the cabinet broken.

"Thank goodness you're alright!" she sighed. Philip looked up at her, with tears in his eyes, frightened at what would happen next.

"P-please don't b-be mad at me, I-I just wanted to see the pistol." Philip cried.

Angelica hugged the little boy until he calmed down. She let go and looked directly at him, "Philip what have I told you about pop-pop's guns?" Angelica asked sternly.

"Look with my eyes and not my hands."
He replied
"And if you wanted to play soldier?"

"Use the fake guns outside."
"Right, and this is the second time now, only this time you could have been seriously hurt, and I'm thankful you weren't but still, it was wrong just like it was last time." Angelica said this as Philip fumbled with the gun in his hands.

"Philip hand it over."

"Yes mama." Philip handed her the pistol frowning.

"Eliza came in to see what was happening "everything alrigh- oh... Philip how on earth?"

"He wanted father's pistol." Angelica told her.

"I see, but father's back and we gotta get ready for tonight." Eliza reminded her

"But what about the cabinet?" Angelica asked.
"John can fix it tonight." Eliza replied

"Am I staying in the room mama?" Philip asked.

"Yes, now let's go." Angelica helped Philip up and they walked back into the room. Philip sat on his cushion as Angelica did her hair and makeup.
"When I return tonight I expect to see you asleep understand?"

"Yes mama" Philip sighed and picked up a toy soldier.

"Good." She hugged him and left the room. She went into the office and took the guns out of the cabinet and took them down to the cellar. She left the pistol upstairs in case of an emergency.

Later that night while the family was gathered downstairs in the parlor, twenty Tories and Indians gathered outside of Schuyler Mansion planning on capturing Philip Schuyler.

BANG! the door was kicked down and the house was filled with redcoats and Indians.

"Father what do we do?" Eliza asked nervously.

"Papa we're gonna die!" Cornelia exclaimed.

"Stay calm and everyone upstairs now!" Mr. Schuyler told them

The Schuylers flooded up the steps and into the master bedroom.

"Philip!" Angelica rushed to her room and found her son asleep. "Well he listened" she thought as she picked him up and carried him into Mr. Schuyler's room.

Mr. Schuyler joined the other's with his pistol which he fired out the window to signal for help. As soon as he was away from the window, Everyone started clinging to him for dear life, Rensselaer and Cornelia had him by the legs, "Papa please protect us! we don't wanna die!" they cried. Peggy and John, had him by the arms. "Father we're gonna be okay right?" Peggy asked worriedly. The rest clung to his sides and neck, shaking in fear for what would happen next. They did this until they realized...

"CATHERINE" Mrs. Schuyler exclaimed. "She's downstairs by the front door asleep."

"Someone's gonna have to let go of me and go get her." Mr. Schuyler told them.

Everyone looked at each other for a good five minutes, finally...

"I volunteer." Peggy spoke up

"Very well, but hurry in case they see you." Mr. Schuyler told her

"Yes father." Peggy let go and quietly exited the room. She looked down at he stairway, no sign of activity so she decided to run for it. Peggy dashed down the stairs and ran to the doorway, where little Catherine was asleep in the cradle, "Mother just HAD to put her cradle right by the door in the most obvious spot possible." She mumbled under her breath as she picked up the baby and made her way back to the steps.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A voice called. Peggy looked to see it was a Tory "Where is the master of this household?" The man questioned her

"Gone to the town... to get help." Peggy answered coolly.

"Very well then, on your way now." The Tory told her. "The General is returning with reinforcements, let's move out men!" He called out to his troops as they exited the mansion with seized guns from the cellar. One Indian looked directly at her and threw a tomahawk on his way out, but Peggy dodged it and kept going.

"We made it!" she announced as she entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed, "As for the Tories,they fled when I told them father had gone to get help. Although they left with a bunch of father's guns I assume were hidden in the cellar since they exited from that direction."

"How did my guns get down in the cellar?" Mr. Schuyler asked

"Philip knocked over your gun cabinet to get to your pistol." Angelica explained

"Makes sense knowing how curious that boy can be," Mr. Schuyler smiled down at the boy clinging to his mother's leg. Philip had woken up while Peggy was rescuing her baby sister. Angelica explained what was going on so he clung to his mother since Mr Schuyler was taken.

"Pop-pop I'm sorry about your guns."

"That's alright boy, guns are replaceable, a family isn't."Mr. Schuyler told him as he ruffled his hair.

Philip smiled and yawned.
"You guys should head to bed It's been a long night." Mr Schuyler told them. Cornelia and Rennselaer looked at him frightened, "No need to worry, the house is safe now." The children nodded, bid goodnight to everyone and went to their room. Peggy was next, she handed Catherine back to her mother and went to her room. Angelica and Philip were soon to follow, as was Eliza,and her two brothers. Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler were alone after a long night.

AN: sorry if it was too long, but if you know any good true stories you want me to write about comment below!

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