Going Under

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"I won't be long dear, just for the weekend." Alexander told her

"I know, but there hasn't been one weekend since the Holidays when you've stayed home" Eliza replied "Just one weekend would be enough. The boys miss you and your daughter has been practicing the same lesson you taught her for weeks now. Take a break, I'm sure this one meeting won't cause you to lose your job."

"I know but if I get the information I need from this meeting I could possibly get a raise." Alexander said.

"Fine, but next weekend, you're home. Understand mister?" Eliza asked sternly.

"Yes ma'am."Alexander kissed her cheek and head out the door. Eliza sighed and went to start making dinner.

Angelica looked out the window watching the carriage go by. She went over to Philip's room,

"Pops is out of town for the weekend so you're the man of the house again."

"Ugh when isn't he out if town." Philip rolled his eyes.

"Well on the bright side with him gone you can slack off of your studies for a few days." Angelica smirked "and maybe actually socialize with your family without your nose being stuck in a book."

"Ha, that'd be nice but I'm actually not feeling too well so I'm probably going to just rest and see how I feel from there." Philip answered

"Oh... okay, but let me know if you need anything." She told him. Philip nodded and laid back on his bed.

Angelica went downstairs to see if anything needed to be done before dinner, "Smells good mama, what's cooking?"

"Roasted ham, your aunt's recipe." Eliza smiled

"And to go with?"

"Macaroni and cheese, Mr. Jefferson's recipe."

"Excellent! Father is really missing out tonight." Angelica smiled. "Anything you need me to do before it's ready?"

"Not in here, but your brothers are outside racing hoops so could you please go watch out and make sure none of them get hurt?" Eliza requested.

"Sure thing." Angelica went out to the garden and found Alex, James, and John racing their hoops towards the hedge while Will was still trying to balance his and get it to move.

"Who's winning?" she shouted to the others.

"It's gonna be me once I conquer those two!" James exclaimed

"That's what you think! Once I win the tie won't be so easy to break!" Alex yelled

"Meanwhile I can't even make the stupid thing stand let alone move!" Will huffed

"It's harder than it looks buddy,it takes patience and practice, not to mention you're a little younger than the others." Angelica explained.

A few races later Eliza called everyone inside for dinner

"Philip" Angelica knocked on the door "mom said dinner's ready are you coming?"

"I'll come but I'm probably not gonna eat, I really don't feel good." He replied opening the door.

They walked down to the dining room and sat down next to each other. Eliza handed him a plate but he turned it down.

"Not hungry Philip?" she asked

"No, I don't feel well at all." Philip replied.

"Oh, well if you need to you may be excused okay."


Later that night Eliza noticed the window in Philip's room was open, this had her concerned. She went upstairs and went in his room,"Feeling any better?"

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