Chapter 15

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“You don't get to make all of the decision, Gabriel!” Ana hissed from across the table. They found out that Michael and I turned down James offer to help the cause.

“In case you've forgotten  this is a war! We don't have time to be picky about who joins our side. If we fail then the war is over.” I rolled my eyes.

“How could I possible forget when you're shoving it down my throat all of the time.” Ana let out a growl and slammed her hands down on the table in front of me. She leaned forward her eyes glowed the light brown color of her wolf while her canines poked out from her lips. I held back from growling back at her. I will only force submission when needed.

“We do not need him. We will win without another pack.” I narrowed my eyes at her. She growled and swiped her claws across the mahogany table.

“The rebellion has five hundred more people than we do. How dare you. We need James’s three hundred members.” I stood up from my chair no longer being able to control my anger. I new my blue and greens eyes were glowing and I could feel my fangs brushing against my bottom lip. I cracked my knuckles as I stared Ana in the eyes.

“We will not be letting James join our army.” I growled back at her. She took a few steps back still glaring at me.

“That is not your choice.” She turned her back to me and I snarled at her.

“What say the rest of you? We need numbers. Do we allow the Blood Moon pack to join our forces and win the war or will we allow Gabriel to lead us to destruction?” Ana asked the other that were in the room.

“We'll cast a vote. Those for letting the Blood Moon pack join us raise your hands.” Michael said while pushing off of the wall. Ana raised her hands quickly. Adam looked around the room and then at me hesitantly then raised his hand. His brother of course following his lead. John shook his head and stood next to me.

“You're a bitch, Ana.” He spat at her. She met his glare head on.

“At least I'll be an alive bitch.” Emily sent me a look of pity before raising her hand.

“I must do what's best for my pack.” She told me. Michael shook his head and sighed.

“I'm sorry, Gabriel. I wish that there was another way. But we must put the packs first.” With that he raised his hand. I stared at the people in front of me. How could they? After all I've done for them. I narrowed my eyes at them. They're all traitors.

“Fine. Michael you make the call. We will leave for their pack in the morning. Choose the leaders that will take charge in our absence.” I transformed back into my human state. I turned away from them.

“Gabriel.” Ana grabbed my hand making me face her. I quickly snatched my hands away and glared at her.

“Don't you dare touch me. You're a traitor.” I snarled at her and walked out of the door slamming it behind me.

I walked down the steps and into the kitchen. I walked out of the backdoor, closing it slowly as not to break it. I walked past the guards and the others who were either training or enjoying themselves in the Colorado spring weather.

I nodded as I walked past them. They did not need to know that their leader was not feeling anything less than confident or perfect. I walked into the forest and stripped out of my clothes; placing them next to a tree. I closed my eyes and shifted into my wolf form.

I closed my eyes at the blissful feeling of my bones breaking and reforming themselves. I've become a bit of a masochist over the years but not as much as the sadist I've become. I loved inflicting pain on others. When I fully changed I rubbed my white paws into the damp dirt. Let out a low growl and hunched my shoulders before darting out into the forest. This place wasn't as nice as the Firestone back. But it did have a nice meadow.

I ran past the trees and jumped over broken branches and rocks. I could see the forcefield that we put up around our base to keep intruders out. The meadow was just outside of it. I sent a blast of power at the forcefield causing a small hole in it, big enough for me to push through before it closed up again. I broke through the trees entering the meadow. It was gorgeous.

The grass was freshly grown, the smell of damp earth lingered in the area. Flowers and blues, pinks, purples and whites came from the ground. Butterflies and bees flew around the meadow. I walked to the center and laid on the ground, my head resting on my paws. How could they do this to me? I closed my eyes, trying to get my mind off of the upcoming situation. I felt the air ripple beside me. I shot up to my feet, getting into a fighting stance and letting out a warning growl.

“Down boy.” A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see my mother smiling at me. She was in an all black dress this time. Her white hair flowing in curls down her back and her black eyes sparkling with the silver eyeliner. My body instantly relaxed and I laid back down on the damp earth. She waved her hand over the ground and a red silk pillow with gold trimming appeared next to me. She slowly lowered herself onto the pillow and rubbed her hand through my fur.

“I’m so sorry that this is happening, Nuka. I understand that this is hard for you, but don’t you think this is a good thing?” I narrowed my eyes and went to stand up but she grabbed the scruff of my neck and pulled me back down, this time my head laying on her lap.

“I mean it sweetheart. In this trip who knows what could happen. You are mates, Nuka. Whether you like it or not. James made a mistake, that entire pack made a mistake. But, maybe it’s time to mend the broken relationships. Remember, I make no mistakes.” She bent down and kissed my forehead before she dematerialized and my head hit the soft pillow where she was just occupying. I let out a low whine before standing up and picking up the pillow. I began walking about to the pack house.

When I got back to the tree I transformed back into my human form and put on my clothes. I picked up the pillow from the ground reminding myself to burn it later. I walked up the steps that led to the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Hey there, where’d you go Gabriel?” Antonio, a vampyre from the Northern clan asked. He was one of our best fighters.

“I had to go run a few errands, nothing to worry yourself with. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go pack. I’m leaving tomorrow morning to go train another back.” He nodded, taking another sip out of his blood bag. I turned away from him and left the kitchen making my way upstairs. I walked down the hallway quietly when I heard a door open behind me. I didn’t turn around because I sensed Ana’s presence behind me.

“Gabriel-” She started but I turned my head and glared at her from over my shoulder.

“Don’t. Don’t you dare say anything to me, Ana. I honestly can’t even believe that I once trusted you. It turns out that the only person I can call a friend is John. Whatever it was that we had it’s done, Ana. Over. We are co-workers, allies. Nothing more.” I turned away from her before she could respond and quickly finished the journey to my room. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I needed to pack.

I went over to the closet and pulled out the duffle bag that I kept in there. I wonder how long they were planning on staying? I only planned on staying long enough to get their pack into shape, after that I'm gone. I opened the first drawer of my dresser and pulled out my throwing knives as well as a few guns and ammo and placed them on the bottom of the bag.

After that I gathered my clothes. Piling up sweat pants, tshirt and tank tops. I also includes a few sweater with some jeans and nice shirts. I might want to go out while I'm there. After packing some spare toiletries into the bag I zipped it up and set it by the door. The clock on my nightstand said 9:30 so o quickly took a shower and before I knew it I was laying down in my bed.

“I make no mistakes.” My mother's voice rang in my head.

Yeah, well. You made this mistake, mom. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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