Chapter Five

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"I reject you as my mate, my love, and my life." I stared into the cold eyes of James, my mate. The mate who didn't want me. He stared at me as if I was trash, the scum of the earth. With eyes that used to be filled with love and warmth now stared at me like he was waiting for me to fall over and die with a repulsive look on his face.

What did I do? I wanted to say, I wanted to scream at him but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

Please... I love you. You're my best friend.

"I accept." My eyes widened. No! I didn't accept, please James don't do this. I tried to move my arm to reach for him but I couldn't move my body. I stared at his face begging him to take it back. To love me, my family already left me. Not my mate too. His eyes shifted behind me and what I once was disgust on his face broke into a smile as he meet eyes with whoever it was that was behind me.

James easily sidestepped me and made his way to whoever to whoever it was and held his arms open which I had no doubt about that fact that he was embracing them. I willed my body to not turn around. All of this time I had been trying to move and and the one time that I wish that it didn't it does, to face James. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to prevent my feet from moving. In the end my attempts were futile as I turned anyway and what I saw shocked me. Madeline was wrapped up in James's arms as the stared into each other's eyes with so much love and adoration. James tilted her chin up with his fingers as his lip began to make their way towards hers. I started to shake, please, I don't want to see this. I can't, please!

When their lips finally touched I felt hot and burning fire start at my lips and travel down my body. I could feel a scream building up inside of me but I couldn't make a sound. I couldn't do anything except for watch. I saw James hand move from her chin down her neck before he lightly brushed his fingers over the spot where neck meets the collarbone.

"This is where I am going to place my mark on you when we mate." James told Madeline as he smiled down at her and she looked right back at him with her own smile. He plans to mate with her? I couldn't breathe, my entire body hurt as I stared at the two of them. James, stop please. You're killing me.

He kissed her lips again as he moved his hand down even lower and slipped it under her shirt as a ran his fingers along her skin. His other hand moved down farther South. The kissing got more intense and when James light pinched Madeline's nipple she let out a moan and James moaned with her. One of his hands lightly teased her thigh before in a quick motion one hand cupped in between her legs while the other grabbed her boob. Oh my Goddess. Wake me up! Please Adam, Michael anybody wake me up! I tried to shake myself out of the dream but I still couldn't move as I was forced to watch what he was doing to Madeline.

He rubbed the hand that was in between her legs. Since Madeleine was wearing leggings I'm sure she could feels a lot of what he was doing to her. He bent his middle fingers pushing it up as he teased her by moving it back and forth. Madeline moaned as she pushed down on his finger, I bet she wished that the piece of fabric that separated the digit from entering wasn't there.

"James please, stop teasing me. I want you." She moaned as she grabbed his arms her body shaking.

"Anything you want baby." James murmured back as he pulled his hand away from her boob and brought it down the the elastic part of her leggings.

"These need to come off." James practically demanded and Madeline nodded her head so with that consent James began to pull them down. My eyes widened and I almost let out a scream before fire erupted over my cheek.

"...iel wake up." Another pain filled sting came across my face.

"Wake up!" I gasped and shot up in the bed. I was covered in sweat as tears dripped down my face. A sob escaped my throat as I stared at the wall in front of me.

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