Chapter Twelve

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I just want to put a huge thank you out there to @HeartlessDarkPrince for making this amazing cover for me! I honestly love it and I'm so happy to have it be the cover of my book. It looks amazing. 

If any of you have any drawings or want to submit anything just let me know and I'll definitely put it in the story! Enough of my babbling, enjoy! 

Gabriel's POV:

I stumbled through the forest with Ana on my back. She collapsed as soon as the lake was out of view. I could feel it too, the farther away from the lake that we got the more I felt my strength leaving. When the pack house came into view I willed my legs to go faster. For the first time no one was outside or on the porch.

"Michael." I wheezed out as I reached for the door. I could barely grab it and when I found the strength to be able to turn the knob I tumbled inside and feel to the ground with Ana still on my back.

"Michael!" And with that I passed out.


"Is he even still alive?" I woke up to a voice murmuring.

"Of course he is you idiot, why would you ask that?" I could hear voices grumbling in the background. I didn't know where I was, I was surrounded by blackness. Floating but not moving, I had no idea which way was up and which way was down.

"He's been asleep for a week Michael, same with Ana. What happened?" Ana? My eyes widened and glass cracking could be heard all around me, I wanted to cover my ears but I couldn't move my body. There was a shattering sound and suddenly I was falling. My body jerked and went flying into a sitting position. My whole body was heaving as I took in huge gulps of air.

"Holy shit!" I heard Adam shout as he and Michael took several steps backs. I couldn't see anything, my vision still blurry and swirling with rainbow colored dots.

"Ummm. Welcome back man." Adam spoke, I could hear the smile in his voice. I blinked a few more times to get my vision clear. I zoned in on Adam's face and nodded. Michael came forward and sat on the edge of my bed looking at me with concern.

"What happened? You've been out for a week, same with Ana. You two went out for a run and returned a few hours later and passed out as soon as you stepped foot in the pack house." My mind tried to recall what happened a week ago.

"Ana and I had a fight. She was sure that a war was going to break out and that I was going to be apart of it. I snapped at her and in order to make amend we went for a run... She broke her leg I think and fell into the lake. When did the lake get that deep anyway? Especially around the shore? She just kept sinking and I tried to get reach her, but I ran out of air. I died. I think." I tried to explain what happened. It was so vivid in my mind. Ana falling into the water, me trying to reach her and then me dying. The white room, my mother?

"You two obviously didn't die Gabriel or else you wouldn't be he- are you okay? You're face is completely white." Adam came forward and kneeled next to me but I couldn't be bothered paying attention to him. The Moon Goddess is my mother? That means that I'm a God?

"That's how I know that you, Gabriel, are my son. A prince from the Moon. You are mine." Her's? I wasn't hers. I couldn't be. She was a Goddess, she is only creation of the moon and the one who created us.

"You are my son. I carried you in my womb for nine months, held you when you were born and cared for you until the dangers that faced you became too great and I had find you a new home." What dangers? What could possibly have been so dangerous that the Moon Goddess couldn't protect me from?

"Gabriel?" Michael put his hand on my shoulder and shook me a little.

"Nuka." I told him still staring at the wall.

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