Chapter Six

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*James POV* (Gasp!)

"James please, you need to get off of your ass and go find out who your mate is, it's been three weeks. What's gotten into you?" My father stood over me with his eyes narrowed as have me another one of his talks about finding my mate and being Alpha of the pack.

I felt bad, he was tired after serving 46 years as being the Alpha can do that to you. I sigh and rolled over onto my side not facing him.

Every since Gabriel left I left like I had nothing to live for. My body has become insanely weak and I can barely find motivation to get up in the mornings.

"I know dad, I'm working on it, I know that my mate has to be someone in this pack." I wasn't lying, Gabriel was from this pack. I can't believe he would just leave like that. I know that I rejected him but didn't he care about this pack at all? I could feel myself growing angry.

What the hell give him the right anyway? He should be here as an Omega doing what myself and what the rest of the pack says, not running away like a little bitch.

He had to understand why we can't be mates. The main reason being that he is weak, a disgrace to the werewolf kind. Who would want a mate and Luna who could not shift? How would they even be able to protect the pack? The second reason being the fact that he is a guy. How would he even be able to give me pups? I am Alpha after all, I will a heir to the pack. Even thinking about him pissed me off. I felt my anger boiling to the surface, but even I had to admit. Not having him here was taking a toll on me. Even though you reject a mate you still need to perform the de-mating ritual. Which I planned on doing after my birthday but the stupid fuck just had to be a wimp and run away.

I crawled out of bed and padded over to the bathroom to take a much needed shower. I need to find a replacement mate. Someone strong and could carry the title of becoming Luna. My thoughts scanned of all of the girls in the pack and their ranking and the one that stuck out the most was Madeline. She is of Beta blood which only makes her a rank lower than me. She has a nice sized wolf and is strong willed. All in all she would make a great Luna and will give me beautiful pups. I felt a smile grow on my face, now, all I needed to do was convince her. Though it won't take me. She had had a crush on me since forever. It should be a piece of cake.

I climbed out of the shower and dried off. I brushed my teeth and shaved making sure that I looked presentable after my three weeks in isolation. I grinned when I was happy with the results, I mean let's face it. I'm hot.

I got dressed in a pair of black jeans and slipped on a white button up shirt before slipping into my black Nikes and made my way downstairs.

Let the games begin.

*Gabriel's POV*

I woke up feeling immensely sore and at the moment I was cursing Michael and Adam for putting me through this hell. I rolled over to my side and let out a whine. I was dying. I heard a series of knocks coming from the other side of my door. I quickly placed my head underneath the pillow trying to drown out the sand. I am so not going to practice today. The door opened and I made a mental note to lock the door from now on. Which probably wouldn't much since I am living in a house full of werewolves.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and baccy you little bitch." Adam's voice invaded my ears. I kept silent even though I wanted to express my dislike to him.

"Go away you fool." I grumbled turning on my side again and let out a hiss at the pain of moving.

"Awe, is the poor little one sore?" Adam let out a laugh.

"Shut your whore mouth, Stanley." I used his last name to prove that I wasn't playing. When he didn't reply I figured that he left and grinned. I won this round! A sharp pain when through my side and the around area. This time a yelp did slip past my lips. I jumped up from the bed my muscles screaming in protest.

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