Chapter 50. Something Familiar

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His eyes were somber and confused. Harry could not tell what the boy was feeling.

"Potter?" Draco said in an awkward tone as the boy approached him.

"Draco..." the raven-haired boy said looking deep into his lover's eyes.

"Why are you here? Why are you calling me Draco?" the blond demanded

"I know you remember. You must remember something... You have to!"

"Remember what? Why would you help me?"

"The control they broke it. You remember that your father forced you somehow but how can you not remember what he did exactly! It's impossible." the boy said as he held the railings and shook them uncontrollably as he remembered words he had heard as a child in Hogwarts.

"One will only remember if his or her mind accepts to." a teacher said to a class Harry was once in. He understood now, Draco's mind was the true prisoner, the one that was controlling him to forget.

"I do not understand Potter." he said as he looked into the Chosen One's eyes and felt something odd. His grey eyes softened and the ocean reflected into the Gryffindor's eyes. Draco had remembered. "Your eyes, I never realized your eyes were of such a dark green... Potion's Class... Amortentia... It is you." the entrapped boy said as tears fell down his face and he forced words through his perched lips.. "Harry..."

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