Angel With A Shotgun.

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Chapter 1.

"Angel With A Shotgun"- The Cab.

"They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for. Well baby you are all that I adore. If love is what you need, a soldier I will be."

Lyrics are blasting from the radio as I roll down the driveway in my old black pickup. I'm completely engulfed into the intoxicating music and even better words. I usually sing along but now I was just not feeling like it. I blindly searched for my lighter through the backpack and when I finally found it, I pushed it out and held it out in front of the cigarette between my lips. And when I finally lit it up, I huffed out a cloud of smoke.

After about fifteen more minutes, I approached the large building, so I had to throw the cigarette away. I grabbed my black backpack and flung it over my shoulders. I turned the music off glumly and then opened the door, climbing out of the oh-so-great pickup.

I thursted my hands into the pocket of my black leather jacket and fished out my headphones. I plugged them into my iPhone and blasted Still Waiting by Sum 41. I bobbed my head to the beat slightly, wishing I could release my voice and sing along but I restrained myself as I continued walking towards the front door of the school. I cursed under my breath as I realized I came earlier than I intended. I usually come much later when everyone is already in their classrooms so I can avoid strange looks I get from people. Well, at least they keep their distance from me.

I decided to go straight into my first period. As I had to go and get my books first, I started walking down the hall, ignoring everyone's fearful looks. Dicks. I thought.

I grabbed my Chemistry book and slammed the locker shut. I haven't even noticed the song has changed. The city by Ed Sheeran was playing and I closed my eyes for a split second, enjoying the beat.

I dragged myself to the classroom and saw people had started to pile in slowly. An involuntary sigh escaped my lips as I made my way to the back of the room, finding an empty spot and I plopped myself into one of the chairs. For the rest of the time I just listened to the music, which prevented any sound from around me to come to my ears. Just pure bliss. I got lost into Ed Sheeran's perfect voice, not even noticing the teacher coming inside. Well, it's not like she pays attention to me anyways.

So first and second period went by slowly and when the bell finally rang, I emerged from the room filled with bunch of students and headed towards the big tree at the back entrance of the school. I pulled out my phone and went to create a message option.

"I'm here, hurry up."

I climbed up the tree and sat myself on a big branch. I swayed my legs back and forth as my eyes were closed. I love this... I love listening to the birds' chirp and I love the light breeze that makes my hair fly around freely.

''Hazel?'' a voice called and I snapped my head down to see the familiar tall figure standing underneath me, looking up. I smiled and gestured for him to come and join me. He rose his eyebrows questioningly at me but started climbing anyways. Seconds later, he was sitting next to me on a thick branch. I got a warm and soothing hug from him and smile instantly crept to my face.

''Hi Ashton.''

Hiii! :D

So, this is the another story of mine and it's about Luke, just in case you wondered. I think this is just enough for the first chapter, hope you like it.

Thanks if you read, love ya!

And once again, follow me on Twitter: @HemmoTheCookie x

-M x

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