Chapter 1

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"Kitkat!!! My love!!!"

There he goes again.. Shouting my name in the middle of the campus... I rolled my eyes as I turned towards the overgrown puppy flying towards me with his hand full of packets and Yo following him at more sedate pace.

Beam is snickering beside me and I dared not look as half the campus turned towards the flying buffoon while Pha moved to meet Yo halfway.

He almost knocked the wind out of me as he crashed into me but his large arms steadied me before I fell backwards.

I glared up at the goofy smile and was pulled into another excited hug, 

"Your exam are finally over! You look tired! Did you eat anything? Here these are for you" He handed me the packets and moved to my side putting his arms around my waist.

"I am not hungry! And what are you doing here?" I fumed glaring at him. 

"I missed you so much!! P... I know you have been busy with the exams for this block and I also know that someone forgets  to eat with all the studying" He waggled his eyebrows "Its all your favourites so eat up!".

His hands are now rubbing circles on my back but I would die than to admit it felt really good.

"Yes ... let your husband take of you Ai almost fainted today morning" Bloody Beam! I glared... Where was Ai Forth when you needed him!

"Is that so P? You need to eat and rest! Should I carry you back?" 

"Ming Kwaaaan!!" 

Beam snickered again..

"P Let's seat there then!" I sighed as I was pulled to the empty bench the others following us. He glued himself to my side and though I was shy I did not wish to push him away...I missed him so much this one week, being busy with the exams and could hardly see him..

My stomach growled with the delicious aroma and soon I was gobbling down the food and drinks while secretly enjoying the heat of his body... the closeness.

"P'Pha.." I looked as Yo blushed trying to pry himself from Pha's grasp.. yep something was definitely was going on under the table...

My cheeks started heating up. Ai'Pha was really becoming shameless these days... hands always teasing Yo.. not that I liked how Yo turned red...

"Would you like me to tease you as well.." The warm breath on my ears made me choke and Ming quickly rubbed my back handing over a bottle of water with straw. Does he not know what he does to me??? 

"Ming you idiot!!" My ears are red as I turn to glare that at slyly smiling face. I quickly glance at my friends ... Thank God Pha is still busy teasing Yo while Beam is now typing away on his mobile.

"I thought you would like it" He whispered making me shiver again...Damn 1 week is too long!

"Ming I am warning if you do that once again..."

"What P!" Ming pouted. Do you think I am fooled by that innocent smile?! "Don't know what you are  talking about?" 

"You!" I point my finger but he quickly grabs it pulling my hand under the table his thumb rubbing circles on my palm... where does he learn such things?!  Damn he knows how to calm me down...

"Are you free this weekend P?"


"All of us are planning for a outing. Yo has already spoken to P'Pha and he has agreed and  P' Beam is..."

"Ai Forth and Me are in" Beam says happily as he get ups "You love birds enjoy... I am off"

"Meeting Forth?" I tease and he just smiled before walking away. 

"Ahem...Yes ... even we have someplace to go" Pha says pulling Yo with him...

Yes I know very that very well... Horny Pha

I shake my head towards them watching them leave...

"So P you are going Na Na Na? Na?" How can I say no to the pouty lips.

"Yeah Yeah sure... now let us go as well ... I am tired" I say as I finish the food..

"Let me take you back P... you are ready to drop off." 

I must look dead to him. 

We walk towards his car and I cannot help but pull his shirt. He stops and turns...

"Well..." I am so shy...I want him to stay but how do I...


"What are your plans for today?"

"Me?" he asked "Well I will drop you off and then go off for some shopping... need to prepare for the trip tomorrow" Ming says as we move towards the car park. " And you need to sleep!" He insisted

I frown "What preparation? Just go and pack a few clothes and you can..."

"Oh P last time we could not enjoy but this time I have it all covered" He smiles mysteriously as he continues towards the car.

I stop.... "What?! What is covered? Ming Kwan what are you planning?"

I chase him poking his sides while he just smiled pulling me close "Don't worry P... you will thoroughly enjoy it..I promise" he whispers the last words.

I blush ... 


Next morning... 

Ming would be picking me up at 7am today and it was only 6 am now...  

I had been up before dawn... restless and rolled around the bed for sometime. What was wrong with me? Usually after the block exams I would sleep for two days non stop but here I was bathed...dressed ....weekend bag packed... my whole room cleaned pacing impatiently as I peeked out from my balcony for the nth time awaiting the sound of the familiar car. 

I sighed scratching my head, the clock seemed to moving too slow today. It seemed like hours before I hear the sound of a car and stealthily peeked to spot Ming driving in. I immediately turn running in and jumped on my bed covering myself with the blanket. .. Only to remove it after a second wondering what craziness possessed me... Must be due to lack of sleep.. Yes that was it.

A knock sounded and in my hurry to scramble off the bed I failed to notice the blanket had tangled to my feet and landed flat on my backside.

"Uff!..." I cursed removing the stupid object when the knock sounded again more impatient this time.

"Yeah yeah just 1 min" I get up grumbling and massaging my abused backside. I opened the door only to be enveloped in strong arms.

"Mi..mmpppphhh" Hot lips claimed mine as hands encircled my waist pulling me close to the heated body. Lips sucked and bit and I gave him entry letting his tongue pull mine in a dance of  dominance. An unconscious moan tore through my lips only to be swallowed by his attack. I lost track of all time as we stood there on the doorstep where anyone could see us...Ming devouring me as I drowned further and further in him. Finally the need for air made us break apart.

"Good morning my dark chocolate" Ming smiled.


"I want to have you right here... but we need to leave." He pouted.

"..." I could not form a single sentence. My lips were still tingling

"Let go P... I promise there more" Ming said as he pecked my lips. "Don't worry p... you will enjoy yourself..  I promise"


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