cinq, six

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"you'll never know, dear,
how much I love you."


hamilton did it.

he just published the self-proclaimed "reynolds pamphlet."

he'd protect his legacy, no matter what.

this... this was a genius way of doing so. plus, eliza isn't that good at reading anyways.


my god, this was a terrible mistake.

alexander watches as the world he knew crumbles into broken pieces.

when he had first started writing the horrid pamphlet, he had compared it to the hurricane from when he was 17, back in nevis.

well, he hadn't been wrong.

he had now recklessly stepped into the hurricane without any sort of protection, and he could feel it ripping him to shreds.

hamilton desperately tries to catch a glimpse of the eye of the hurricane he's created.

he sees it, straight ahead. a little blurry.

there's eliza. and philip.

philip seems to spot him, shock rolling off of him in waves as he comforts his mother.

alexander watches as eliza gently pulls away from philip. she's holding a letter tightly in her right hand, a match in the other. she follows philip's sight line, and sees alex.

alexander feels his breath catch in his throat as he sees the firey, devestated look in eliza's eyes; he feels the hurricane start pulling on him again.

alex watches as eliza says something to philip that he can't make out, and philip visibly begins to beg her to not do whatever she's planning. eliza doesn't listen, just steps into the swirling hurricane.

philip whips back around to look at his father, pamphlet in hand.

and alex tries to read his lips.

"that was the stupidest, vilest, ugliest thing you could ever fucking do!"

philip throws the papers on the floor, allowing them to sweep away into the hurricane. there are tears rolling down his freckled cheeks as he steps closer to alex.

"but, goddamn it, i'm here for you."

alex can still see philip's lips make the 'u' shape as he's swept away, gone before he can respond.

my only sunshine ;//; hamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now