Chapter 16: You Came Back

Start from the beginning

"Our hearts grew closer along without mouths, her lips roping me in and pulling hard. I watched as her eyes nearly closed, her cheeks flourished, and her mouth part. I had been waiting years for this moment, and I was finally worthy of her supple touch until god himself interrupted. The door knocked, and we scrambled to situate ourselves. I couldn't tell how she felt, whether she was relieved that we didn't kiss, or regretful that we didn't. Either way, the moment was still promising."

I got to the most recent part, where he described looking at my lips. That was merely a few hours ago. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these intimate moments that seemed so minuscule to me at the moment.

Once I caught up, I turned and looked at him in disbelief.

"You've liked me since first grade and you didn't tell me?" I softly spoke, almost offended.

Jughead shrugged, struggling to speak. "Well I just- I mean- I wasn't really- Uh, I'm not-"

I took his face and shut him up with a long and gentle kiss. The second I pulled away, he brought me right back into another. His lips were slightly dry at first from the impromptu kiss, but were soon nourished to life after my lip balm rubbed off on him. We closed our eyes, our noses crashing into each other, breathing harsh, not caring about who was staring for a moment in time. His hands were brought up to the sides of my head, gently grasping at my hair for more. The feeling was euphoric, more-so cathartic, magical, enchanting, and everything else amazing.

Once we separated, we stared at each other with shock. I finally said, nearly breathless, "I'm so sorry I kept you waiting all these years. I'm also sorry that I left Riverdale when you needed me the most."

"Well, you came back for me. Didn't you?" he said, leaning in to kiss me again, which I happily obliged. The kiss was much more brief, but still as sweet. "You can make up for lost time in the next couple of years."

He moved onto my cheek, my neck, and then giving one last kiss on my lips.

I let him put his arm around me, and I went back to the beginning of his novel, correcting some areas and telling him the parts I liked. After about thirty minutes of reading, I pushed the laptop towards Jughead.

"You're really good at writing, Juggy," I complimented. "Do you think you'll ever major as a novelist?"

He scoffed, saying "People still major in that?"

I smiled, looking up to him. "Journalism?"

"No offense, but it's a dying industry," he told me, knowing my father was in that line of work. "I don't know what I'll do, but I'll survive."

I glanced out the window of the booth. The sun was dripping into the vast colors of the sky. I was so happy here that I didn't care about dinner. The tranquility of the moment quickly ended when thoughts flooded my mind.

"How are we going to tell everyone about us?" I looked at him, a little concerned. It was easy to tell everyone about Derek since it was such a heat of the moment, but Jughead was much more. We were a kindling fire that had finally found our flare.

"Archie already knows, sorta. He actually helped me grow the balls to ask you out," Jughead smiled a little, leaning in for another kiss.

I leaned away, looking at his lips and then his eyes."You didn't though."

"Didn't what?"

"You never officially asked me out," I crossed my arms, grinning playfully.

He laughed under his breath, looking away. Turning back to me, he said with utmost sincerely "Catherine Bell. Will you go out with me?"

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