The Crush, The Tears, Rose and The Kiss

77 1 31

Note: I originally posted this story on AO3 under the pseudo "worstofpoetry" (that's my user here too)

Albus Potter was helplessly blind. This was the only possible explanation, for he failed to notice he was in love with his very own best friend. He had only realized it on the summer before their 5th year, but somehow he was managing to keep it a secret through the whole year or that was it until the fatidic day happened. After all what would Scorpius even say? He would surely reject him, and it wasn't likely he'd survive that.

He asked himself how he hadn't noticed it sooner, how his skin would felt electric after they touched here and there, how his heart would skip beat when Scorpius said his name, how every time he caught sight of the blond guy he would feel like there were butterflies in his stomach, how he longed to be around his best friend, to hear his voice, to look at him, to just be next to him.

But then again who wouldn't fall in love with Scorpius Malfoy with his long beautiful blond hair and his equally pretty eyelashes, with his stupid cocky smile and his eyes that were so green Al wanted to drown in them. You wouldn't care Scorpius was smarter than you, smart made Scorp sexy, you wouldn't care he always made bad jokes, you wouldn't care he was completely oblivious about how perfect he was, you wouldn't care he was a better person than you were, you wouldn't care about rumors. What a wonderful suffering it was to be in love with him.

It was on that day that the Malfoy boy found out about his best friend ridiculous crush. Al was sitting in the common room eating breakfast and pretending to read a book while thinking about Scorpius when suddenly his cousin Rose snapped her fingers in front of his eyes also snapping him out of his infamous daydreams.

"Hello! Earth to Albus!" She said, looking pissed. She usually always looked pissed.

"Oh sorry Rose I got caught up in the book that's all" he answered shyly instantly turning almost as red as a tomato.

"Sure thing" she said rolling her eyes. "Can you tell your stupid best friend to stop asking me out? I'll go on the stupid date with him"

"Scorpius is not stupi... WAIT YOU WILL WHAT?" He said his jaw dropping to the ground.

"Go out on the date with him. I'll go. I mean as long as he shuts up about it after I do so" she said, as it it was completely logical.

"You are going on a date with Scorp? You?" He asked still in disbelief

"Why, yes, that's the plan" she was now looking at her nails, as if going on a date with the most handsome boy ever and, by doing so, breaking Al's heart was no big deal.

"So you will actually go out with him? You and Scorpius will go on a date?"


"Like for real?"

"The hell Al are you dumb or something? I just told you like 3 times already!" She said, rolling her eyes,again, and sounding more annoyed than normally "Anyway, since you don't seem to get any of what I'm telling you, I'll have to tell him myself! See you" immediately turning on her back she started to walk away with a few frustrated noises. As she was walking away Al got up and rushed to be on her heels.

"Rose! Rose I-I don't think you should go out with him!" he said desperately trying to think of something or a good excuse to avoid this tragedy. His heart would hurt every time Scorp talked about Rose, as if she was the most beautiful and brilliant girl he'd met and as if girls were special just because they were girls (which in Potter's opinion was totally unfair). If she went on a date with him, and they were all by themselves for a whole night he'd never shut up, and Al, Al wouldn't just have to hear about it every single damn day, he'd know it. He couldn't stand the idea of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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The One with Tears, A Date with Rose and Love Confessions (Scorbus)Where stories live. Discover now