My First Ghost Experience

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Chapter One

My name is Spring and this is my story about the first time I saw a ghost. When I was six years old, 1982, I started having this dream about a little girl getting hit by semi-truck and dragged down the road. The first time I had the nightmare I had woke up screaming and crying for my mom. She had come to my room to check on me and calm me down. I told her about the dream, but she just said it was a nightmare.

I had the nightmare every night that I got very little sleep for a long time. It got so bad that my sister was moved to the other bedroom. My mom and stepdad would get so mad for waking everyone up that I would get punished. I learned to not cry out anymore and I would tell everyone that I wasn't having the nightmare anymore. 

That summer I was sent to go stay with my dad's side of the family because they couldn't deal with me, I had started acting out. My mom had a lot going on at the time since she had to give up the baby for adoption. Home life had gotten bad for us, she thought it was best if we, me and my sister, lived somewhere else for a while.

My sister once told my aunt that we were sent there because I was crazy. She told everyone about my nightmare. My grandfather was a Pentecostal preacher and my granny was a strong believer in that evil lurked around us. They prayed over me and I never had the nightmare the whole time I lived there.

When the summer was over, our mom still hadn't gotten us, so we started school there. It was fun going to school with my cousins and neighbor kids. I didn't have any friends at my old school because I would fight a lot for no reason or for whatever reason I felt was good enough. And, no one knew about my nightmare at the new school, so I wasn't teased or bullied about it.

We stayed there for a couple of months, then our mom came and took us home. I didn't want to go because I knew that the nightmare would start up again. I wasn't wrong, the first night home I had the nightmare and it was more terrible than ever before.

At first I would only have glimpses of pieces of the dream. I would see the girl running down the road pass me, someone yelling for her to stop. Then it would jump to her getting hit by the truck and dragged down the road. It was always cloudy or fuzzy, like I was looking through a dirty glass. I never really saw complete shapes, sometimes the scene would change to me getting hit by the truck.

Always at the end I could feel this ugliness around me and overwhelming fear. I always felt that if I looked around me something was going to attack me. Just writing about it now sends an electrical pulse through my spine.

There would be times that weeks would go by and I wouldn't have the nightmare. But I started to experience a different kind of nightmare. My stepdad had gone to jail after he was setup by a rival drug dealer. When he got back, he had become very abusive towards me and my mom in every way. I felt that the terror that I was going through in my physical life was keeping the nightmare away.

I was wrong, very, very wrong. The nightmare started to become clearer to me after I turned seven. I don't why but each time I had it, it was like someone or something was wiping the glass a little bit more clean. It was like whatever it was wanted me to see what was going on. It had gotten so bad that sometimes I would wake up on the floor huddled in a little ball.

Once, I had refused to go to sleep for almost a week and got in a lot of trouble from my stepdad because it was drawing attention from the school. One night he came into my room and sat on my bed to make sure that I went to sleep. When I had refused gave me something white to make me go to sleep.

That was the first night that I got to see the nightmare to the end. Soon after that I told a teacher about the dream. Everyone found out and the school kids would make fun of me, calling me horrible names or push me around the hallways. I got into a lot of fights in school and had teachers questioning my truthfulness.

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