"I could say the same about you. But lord only knows what dick has graced your vagina this month. "I said laying on her bed.

"You sayin it like that's a bad thing. You gotta live a little ya know. Get your back blown out by a stranger at least once in your life." She walked out of her closet in a towel and stared at me. 

"I just want you to have fun at least once this year."I smiled small and sat up from the bed.

"Okay. We can go out and I will have fun. But I will not get my back blown out by a stranger. "

"I can live with that." She walked into her bathroom while I went in my room and answered my ringing phone.

"Hello?" I answered yawning loud

"What's up?" a deep voice said through my phone I pulled my phone back and realized it was an unsaved number.

"Who is this?" I asked going into my closet to find something to wear.

"You forgot me already?" I scrunched my eyebrows and made a stank face thinking about all the people I ever gave my number to.

"I don't know who this is and I'm not about to play charades to figure it out. Sooooo.-"

"It's Damaree." I looked at the phone and debated on what I should say to him since it's been so long and he just up and moved without a word to say to me. "Word... That's cute." I
hung up my phone putting it on do not disturb mode so I can find me something to wear.  It's been 3 years since I heard from him and I'll be damn if I play a fool and go back to him.

Richie Pov
I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Damaree while he sat there with his head in his hands.
"Fuck wrong with you fam?" I asked looking at him like he was crazy.
"broooo...She aint fuckin with me no more." He said looking at me like he was ready to cry.
"who" I asked confused.
"I wouldn't fuck with yo dumb ass either... you got a whole wife who happens to be a hatian so you know they crazy as fuck... you aint hit her up in 3 years. No invite to the wedding or nothing... and you tell your other 2 friends to stay behind and look after her and not be her friend no more or tell her nothing and you expect her to be cool with that or did you leave out a few small details?" I said giving him a duhh look.

"you think imma just call her up and be like ' Aye bae I got kidnapped and forced to sign my name on a marriage certificate so im married now... but this is the last month of the marriage so we can be together forever now. ' I knew her long enough to know that's not how it's gonna play out" he said standing up.

"Well sucks to be you fam. I'm going to the club tonight you comin or what?" I said walking back into the bathroom.

"I'll come... we can celebrate my last 30 days of marriage" he got up from the couch and walked into his room.

I wanted to call Johnney and tell her I was okay and all but I already saw her couple of times these past few weeks. I never saw lyric with her thoe so I never knew if she was in New York too. I didn't tell damaree either because he would run out and try to find Lyric and that was something I didn't need him trying to do within the next 30 days.


We pulled up to the club and looked at the long line. I stood in line one time the whole time I been in New York and it was only cause I was smoking a blunt and the guards really wouldn't let me in with weed. After that I walk straight up to the front of the line.

We parked the car on the side of the club and walked around in case anything popped off and we had to peel out real quick. I walked up to the bouncer and dapped him up sliding him a hundred as Damaree did the same thing.

The club was lit. It was Friday night everybody was out and it just seemed like a good vibe for the night so far . We walked over to VIP as the dancer came over with a bottle for us.

"Check it check it check it!!!!! It's a little bit of the South Central in here tonight! Keep it Friendly girls I heard that they hate y'all !" The DJ said joking with some girls on the balcony in VIP. I squinted my eyes and saw a little bit of this bushy haired girl and somebody else walk away from him.

"Where the fuck is the South Central?" Damaree asked looking and sounding real slow.

"It's outta state you idiot... South Central is not one of the hoods up here... it's like Louisiana and Arkansas and some other states. " I said not mentioning Texas. Speaking of Texas. I looked back at the balcony again and saw Johnney standing over with the bushy haired girl but her back was turned around facing me so I couldn't see her.

"Imma be back fam" I told Damaree getting up and walking over to the balcony. I didn't know how this would play out but as long as I don't get shot I'm good. I walked up the stairs and slowly approached Johnney making sure she didn't see me.

I stopped when I got to her and cleared my throat.

"Long time Richie" she said before I could even say anything to her.

"How you know I was behind you ?"

"I see everything when I first walk in the door... what do you want 3 years of no communication I shouldn't even talk to you." She said as her friend walked off and went inside the Dj booth closing the door.

"Who you here with?" I asked stepping closer to her.

"A friend of mine. I see you got Damaree in the club with you. What's the special occasion?" She asked me dryly.

"No occasion... just wanted to get out for a little bit. You got Lyric with you?" I asked changing the subject.

"why does it matter? The club scene isnt really for her and she had to stay back in texas to handle some business. but i'll be sure to let her know you said hi " she said with a fake smile.

" let me take you out before you leave the Big Apple" i said with a smile

" i dont the fuck think so... you dead ass left without saying shit and you just expect me to be okay with that? Not if my life depended on it Richie." she walked off but stopped when she got to the DJ booth. "Tell damaree i said congratulations on his little soon to be Family for me will you" she closed the DJ booth and i walked back downstairs to my VIP Section.

i wanna know what she mean by his soon to be family cause i know this stupid ass nigga aint get this bitch pregnant. i thought to myself as i sat back by him

" You and ole girl been fuckin lately?" i asked him before i forgot.

" Nah! not like in a month or so why?" he asked with a raised eye brow

" Just askin... got shit on my mind and shit. But fuck it lets enjoy the night. before it end and you gotta sign them divorce papers.

i hope he aint get this bitch pregnant

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