"So.." I begin. He's still glancing around.

"So." He mimics, grinning. He slides a step closer to me as we both lean back against the counter.

I take a step back and jump up so I'm sitting on the table top. "I wondered why you weren't at the dance yesterday.." I admit, curious to see if he truly had been pushed out by Will. It's understandable for him to have not attended Charlie's party, but the dance..?

"Shit. I totally forgot to tell you I wasn't going." He curses, putting his mug down on the counter. "You didn't wait around for me did you?"

Of course I did! I think to myself, but reply with: "No. I saw you weren't there and Denny informed me of your absence. he mentioned something about Will."

"Ah, yes. Will Darcy. Prick of the year." He sighs, making me giggle lightly. "He told me if I showed up he'd make sure I'd never be able to dance again."

"What?!" I shriek. "He threatened you? What is his problem! It was only a dance!"

"Try telling him that." He shrugs. He reaches out and touched my forearm. "I'm really sorry I wasn't there. I just didn't want to start a fight and ruin it for everyone." He steps closer to me and takes my hand in his. "I really wanted to be there with you. I bet you had a terrible time without me." He smirks.

I giggle. "What do you mean terrible? It was fantastic." I lie.

He plays along. "Oh yeah? I bet no one danced with you like I could have."

"That's where you're wrong." I smirk, wanting to see if I can make him jealous.


"I had two very pleasing dance partners during the night-"

"Let me guess." He says. "Denny? Nick?"

"Nope." I say, popping the p. "You'll never guess, they're both such amazing guys every girl was envious of me."

"Oh god. Colin?" He guesses after realising I'm being sarcastic.

"Yep. But wait, it gets better! You haven't guessed the other gentleman."

"God no! You didn't!"

"Unfortunately, yes. I ended up dancing with Will." I admit, shaking my head. He grimaces.

"Ugh. Now I feel terrible about not being there. I'm sorry you had to put up with that. I imagine you found his dancing as stiff and as forced as his conversation skills?"

I decide not to reply.

"Anyway, I'll make it up to you. I'll make sure Will never goes near you again." He whispers, and steps between my legs from where I'm sitting. His eyes stare into mine for a few seconds, making my heart rate pick up before he twists his head and leans in. His lips begin to near my cheek, but they suddenly dip down to my neck at the last moment. I'm caught off guard and suck in a sharp breath when a shooting pain occurs.

"Ouch, George, get off me." I hiss, pushing him back by the shoulders. He doesn't budge for a few seconds before my phone starts ringing, which makes him jump back in surprise. I frown at him and pick up my phone, placing my fingertips against my neck. I feel a bruise forming already.

My phone says Charlotte is calling and I've never been more thankful for convenient timing.

"I should take this. I think you should go." I tell George, upset at his attack on my neck without my consent.

"Oh come on! It's just a hickey, I'm just making sure Will won't want to talk to you anymore." He says.

"A hickey?" I shriek, jumping down from the counter and rushing to the hallway mirror. I raise my head up and see a mark against the skin on my throat. I've never gotten one before, and I can already imagine the look on my parents faces if they saw it. In fact anyone who sees it is going to assume the worst.

George's reflection appears in the mirror behind mine and I spin around. "George! I didn't ask for this!"

"C'mon Elle, you'll live." He laughs.

"It's not funny! What will everyone think!"

When he sees I'm seriously upset he steps closer and places his hands on my shoulders. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? No one will notice or question it. And if they do they'll have me to answer to." He tells me. I nod and chew my bottom lip.

"Okay, but I'm still not happy with you for doing that. I think you should really go."

"Alright, alright, I'll go. But not until you give me a hug." I roll my eyes, trying to keep my angry face on - which is proving hard when he makes me want to burst out laughing. I give him a small hug before showing him the door. When he leaves, I go and stand in front of the mirror, tracing the mark with my fingertip. I suddenly feel older, maybe even a little sexy. Hormones, Elizabeth. I think, smiling and shaking my head. George is intoxicating.

After calling Charlotte back, we have a very odd conversation. Apparently, after the party, Colin walked her home. He told her about what happened between the two of us and how he felt extremely rejected. To cut a long story short, Colin has already moved on from me, and onto Charlotte.

"Oh god. I'm sorry. What are you going to do?" I ask after she tells me he invited her to dinner.

"Well, that's the thing. I ended up agreeing." She admits. My jaw drops. "Before you say anything, I'd like to remind you that Beth is right, we'll be social outcasts if we go to college without having ever had a boyfriend. And Colin isn't that bad really. Sure he's awkward and sort of weird, but so am I! Beggars cannot be choosers, Elizabeth. We're not all as lucky as you and Jane to be pretty enough to have a wider choice of men."

"But Charlotte-"

"Lizzie, you can't persuade me otherwise. I just wanted to tell you before you found out from anyone else. Goodbye."

What is happening?

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