Chpt 30

607 21 6

Two weeks later.


The bell rang to go home, I've been back at school for a week and a half, and Noah and I pretty much don't even know each other anymore. We are back to the way we use to be, strangers. Although this time, I'm not as obsessive over him. I could care less if I ever even see him again.

Okay, I take that back. I still really like him, but not like I use to. At the point, if he doesn't care enough to even talk to me, then I'm going to let it go.

The investigator called the other day to let me know that they have let Cullen out. I was so happy to know that he was stuck in that cell anymore.

"I'm coming home with you." I nudged Al's side as I seen her down the hall. She grinned at me.

"Okay, my cousin is visiting, you will love him." She smiled while pushing the double doors open.

We walked out to her car, which I am madly jealous of.

"Have you talked to Noah any?" She opened her door and hopped inside.

Once she cranked her engined we sped off.

"What do you think?" I looked at her. Noah and I haven't talked since the day he said I couldn't come over because Travis was over, because from that moment I knew that I should just stop with him. I should stop leading myself on with him. If I continue to let myself like him more, I'm eventually going to get hurt.. Very badly.

"I don't even want to think about Noah right now." I leaned my head against the window, why are boys so damn stressing? I never thought someone like Noah would have even looked at me, or yet have feelings for me.. We'll at least I thought he had feelings for me, I've been proven wrong by him lately. We don't even talk anymore.

There for a while is I started to think we could be something, but I was wrong. I've been wrong all this time. I don't even know how I'm handling anything at this point.

Courtney is dead, and they yet haven't found her murderer. That not only makes me mad, but scared. Scared that something could happen to me.


"Bye Al." I waved off, after spending time with her at her house, she eventually took me back home.

I walked in the house, to find mom on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey sweetie, did you have fun?" She asked, I nodded while walking upstairs. I've been distant from her here lately and I don't know why. I just don't feel like talking anymore. I don't feel like breathing anymore.

Everything here lately has turned on me, I don't see how anything could possibly get worse than it already is.

"Noah stopped by today, he was looking for you."

What? Noah? Noah was here looking for me? Since when did fucking Noah ever care about me? That's right, never.

"That's not true." Courtney's voice echoed throughout my ears, making me want to slam my head into a wall repeatedly.

"What.. What did he say?" I asked, pretending that I'm not dying inside, and it's not from happiness.

"He looked worried, I told him you were at Allison's." She said, and I continued to walk upstairs. Why in the world would he be worried? I wonder if they found out something new.

As I opened my door, I plopped myself onto my bed, sighing.

Why can't my life not be so damn complicated, why can't it just be simple and non stressful.

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