"Oh, yes. I remember." Pan turned to Wendy with a smug look on his face, "Your brother. Little Michael Darling."

Wendy fumed with anger as she lunged at him. She had barely noticed one of the boys had stood up and held her back.

"Where is he? Where are my brothers you evil-"

Pan's laughter interrupted her which made Wendy even more furious.

"I thought we talked about how we weren't going to do this again. Didn't we?"

"I don't care about your stupid rules! I'm not one of your little minions you can boss around and do as you please! You don't own me."

"You see, that's where you're wrong. Everything on this island belongs to me. And you, Wendy, are on the island. My island. So you do belong to me."

Wendy looked at him shocked then frowned at him as she stopped struggling with the boy holding her back.

"I told you we were going to do something exciting today, didn't I? You should be grateful that I'm actually going out of my way to do something nice for you."

Wendy scoffed as the boy finally released her and she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm glad you've decided to be good and behave."

Wendy rolled her eyes.

"You might actually want to learn some manners." Pan said as he was dangerously close to her.

"You will show me respect or you will pay the consequences." He said as he let the arrow he was holding touch the tip of her nose.

"What? You're going to threaten me with an arrow?"

Pan looked at her surprised, "Oh, I forgot you don't know what this is."

He held the arrow in both hands, showing Wendy the sharp edge.

"This is dreamshade, one of the most deadly poisons on the island. If any of this pierces your body, you will die a painful death as you await the poison to get to your heart. There is only one cure and I know for a fact you wouldn't like that price you had to pay for it. So, I suggest you be good and do as I say, or else."

He glared at her as he started walking towards the boys.

"Boys, make a plate for Wendy. Don't forget to introduce yourselves since she may be staying with us for quite some time if she deems herself useful to me."

Pan glared at Wendy as he started walking towards the end of camp.

"I'll be back for her later." He then flew off the ground and into the air, flying past the top of the trees until Wendy couldn't see him anymore.

She looked at the boys who were sitting in front of her as they looked down from the food to her.

"Oh, bloody hell. Have her make her own food. I don't know what girls eat."

"That's fine I'm not very hungry anyways." Wendy said as she walked towards them, "May I sit down?"

The boys looked at each other and nodded as they made room for Wendy. She sat next to two young boys who seemed around 12 years old. Wendy counted that there were eight boys all together. Of course she knew Alfie, and then the other two who locked her in the cage. What were their names again?

"Liam," the boy to her right said as he held his hand out for her.

Wendy shook his hand and smiled, "Nice to meet you."

"I'm Evan." The boy to her left said.

Wendy nodded to him as everyone else went around saying their names.


"Oh you remember me don't you Wendy?" Daniel smiled as she recognized the boy who locked her up.

She nodded, "Oh yes. How could I forget?"

Daniel lightly chuckled and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "I'm sorry George and I locked you up. No hard feelings right? Ow!!"

George had nudged Daniel right in the side as he shook his head in annoyance at his friend.

"I recognize you too." Wendy looked at the other boy who hit Daniel. "George, right?"

George looked at her as he bit into an apple and munched on it. "Yea, no introduction needed."

"You know, it's not polite to talk with your mouth full?"

"Who do you think you are ordering me around? Ouch!"

This time, Daniel punched George in the arm and gave him a look to be nice. Alfie was right next to George but ate in silence and really didn't need an introduction.

"Anyways, I'm Timothy." The boy who sat next to Alfie spoke up. He smiled at Wendy, "It's nice to have someone to keep Pan in line when he's being an arse."

The boys roared in laughter as the boy next to Timothy cleared his throat and they all silenced. This boy was not like the others. He was older than the others and hid his face from Wendy, but she could tell he was a very menacing looking boy the way the others reacted to him.

"You know that Pan is always listening. I wouldn't speak that way."

"Aww cmon! You gotta lighten up!" Timothy nudged his shoulder as he laughed.

"What's your name?" Wendy asked.

"Never mind what my name is. It's none of your business anyways."

"Pan ordered that we all introduce ourselves." Ryan chirped up as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

The boy remained still.

"Is Pan's favorite lost boy actually going to go against orders?" Timothy asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Shut up, Timothy." The boy hissed at him as Timothy laughed. He sighed.

He finally turned to face Wendy and as their eyes met, her face went pale.

"My name is Felix."

Felix. Grayson's missing brother.



So Felix has been introduced now too!!! Yaaaaay!!!

So what's gonna happen now?? I'm excited for you all to find out!!

Do you think Pan is gonna finally lighten up to Wendy or do you think he's just gonna continue being a cruel dude?

I wanna know what you think so far of this story please let me know!!!

Thanks again for reading.

Much love,
Sarah K

Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fanfic •Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang