Tag #7

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Tagged by tae_kookie_chim

I guess I'll write five facts, these things are getting hard... there isn't much about me that I haven't wrote about before.

1. I am reading Feedback by Mira Grant, I have loved the series so far. It's about these bloggers in a zombie apocalypse following presidential candidates around America. I also love that two of the main characters are lesbians and another character is gender fluid.

2. I am watching FBE's 'DESCENT INTO DARKNESS!! OUTLAST 2 - Part 7 (React: Horror Gaming) video. I love to watch people playing horror games but I personally can't play any horror or action games (I played The Last of Us and stopped half way because I couldn't handle the jump scares).

3. I just got Minecraft for my Nintendo Switch, everyone hates Minecraft but there's not a lot of games out for the Nintendo Switch (I already have Zelda, Just Dance and Mario Kart).

4. I am going into year 10 in September.

5. The only K-Pop groups I don't like are iKON and Mamamoo.

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