Chapter 1

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"Get out you ass hole!", the so called boss shouted at my dad.                                                                          " I am sorry sir!", my father said in his choked voice , its like any time he is going to cry.                     "Security! please throw this man out of my building now!", the boss shouted.

The security pushed my dad out of the building and other security just took me off in one hand and threw me on my dad. We both fell out of the front door and my father made sure that I wasn't hurt. 

Today was my father's salary's day. Today he was going to get his salary but since my father was sick he unknowingly dashed the car to a near by wall and the bonnet of the car got little bit scratched. And hence for this purpose my dad was thrown out of job without even getting his salary.

I am 10 years old so no doubt the security just took me off the ground in one hand. 

We reached home and my father locked himself in his room. Now you must be wondering where is my mom, so let me clarify the doubt. She left us 2 years ago and married some middle class man to full fill her desire.

I cried for like 2 hours because of hunger but didn't made any sound because I didnt wanted my dad to listen me and eventually drifted to sleep. The next morning my father passed me a packet of biscuit that he bought from near by shop and asked me to eat as I didn't eat anything since like yesterday. I took it silently and started eating like hungry animal. 

My father went outside to look for job and I went outside to the park as instructed by my father. As I went and sat one of the swings I saw a girl in corner of the park. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I know I know I am only 10 but still..

She was soon crowded by some boys of my age and they started pulling her hair and teasing her. She wanted to run but they blocked her and she started crying more.

I searched any adult that can help but didn't find one so I decided to help her. I went near the boys and took one stone with me in case of emergency.

"Hey, stop teasing her!", I shouted. "And who are you to give me orders?", the leader of the group asked me (I assume he is the leader as he was the healthiest of everyone). "I am her friend, now please live her alone", I barked again. "Other wise? what you'll do?? you gonna call your daddy?",he asked me in threatening tone. "Yes... I'll call my dad", I hesitated before saying.

As soon as he stepped forward I threw the stone straight to his forehead so that no harm will be caused in future and took that girl's hand and ran as far as possible.

"Oh my god! thank you thank you so much!", the girl told in the crying voice. "Your wel-", I was interrupted by a man who was tensed and came running towards us.

"Daddy!!!", that girl went and hugged her. She narrated whole story and her father hugged her. Like a lost puppy I was staring towards them. "Thank you kid! For saving my daughter", he said.    "Welcome sir!", I responded. "You are a smart and intelligent kid. I am quite impressed by your action. Tell me if I could do anything for you?", he asked.

"umm..actually father is looking for a you could help him in-", I was again interrupted by the man, "what your father is good at?",he asked. "Driving",I said. "Ok give me your father's number", I gave him the number and said goodbye.

I didn't even got a chance to ask the name of the girl. I don't even know I'll meet her in future or not...

As I reached home, I saw my father with his twinkling face and I assumed he got the call.

He thanked me and made my favorite dinner and he keep on thanking me that because of me he got the job.

"I got the job as his personal driver and salary is double how much I used to get. Thank you so much. I didn't know that my boy is brave!",he smiled and said.

"Its ok dad! I am going to sleep so good night", I smiled and headed towards room.

"And son, pack your bags we are going to stay at their home!", he said and went to his room.



Hope you liked the first chapter.

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