Chapter 5

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Addy pov

I sat at the corner of the kitchen and was just enjoying the party. I am not a party kind of boy. My eyes searched only one person in this crowd..."SALEENA". She was not in my sight. I asked many people but they didn't know where she was. I assumed that she must be having fun! I know she is totally party kind of girl. The most important thing I like about her is her cuteness and specially she is carefree. She dont think about the world. She does her own things without thinking about the world. That's why she is my heart.

"Hey bro!..come out of your thought!", one of guys told me. I came in reality and said sorry! "Do you want to get out of here?? I can see you totally not enjoying the party!", he said! "Yeah! that will be great..can you tell me where is the balcony?", I asked. "Yeah sure..its upstairs...",he said and vanished  in a flash!

I went upstairs in search of balcony. But suddenly I heard "Bitch!"word and shout of the girl  was coming from that room. The voice was Leena's. I can never have a second thought about this voice!.. I kicked and opened the door. I can in full action and without a word I started punchin and kicking that boy until he die. I for sure broke his nose and one of his ribs. He cried out in pain but I didn't stop!.. Suddenly Harry came and grabbed me from back and stopped me. I ran towards Leena and covered her with the bedsheet and took her in bridal style out of the room. We went directly to the car and I sped down directly towards the hospital. She was fainted. I wanted to cry but the anger in me was building up and wanted to kill that bastard! 

We reached to hospital and she was admitted asap!.. They asked me to wait outside but I forced them to let me in. Finally they agreed and asked me to sit in the corner of the room. Without any arguments I sat at the corner of the room and automatically salt water started coming out of my eyes!...I should have been with you. I shouldn't have left you alone. This is my fault! 

Before coming to hospital on my way, I called my dad and told him to meet me in hospital. 

After doctor ensured me that Leena is fine and will wake up in few hours, I left the room and went outside the room. I saw my dad waiting for me outside the room. 

"Is she alright?",my dad asked in concerned voice. He always consider Leena as his own daughter. "Yeah!", suddenly I started crying holding my dad. "Its ok! son. Its not your fault, I know you are blaming yourself for everything",he said. Actually yes! My dad knows me too well. I blame everything to myself no matter its not my fault but if I was present in the party I should have saved Leena before any incident.

"I love her dad!", my dad froze in his seat. "No! you can't do this son! ", my dad instantly. I felt a pang on my heart! "Why"?",I asked in confusion. 

"What why! are you crazy! You can't love this girl. You both are from different world. She is princess and we are slaves. You can never imagine yourself loving her. We are just a dirt in front of them. I work there even you. They will ruin us if they get to know. Because of them you are a student of the most reputed school in this country and now you can't do this! Leena will be marrying a very rich boy. Her father already settled everything with his business partner. ",my father took a pause.

"Look I don't want you to see hurt kid but remember you both can't be one soul. You are born in normal family not in royality. So please forget Leena and move on kid. You got a career kid don't waste this golden opportunity.",my father said and walked away.

I paused and registered everything. Father is right we cannot be one in this life. But I promise you ill make you mine in next all our lives. I will always love you Leena!

I peeked one last time in the hospital room and left the hospital.

Leena pov

I woke up like 4 years and saw my surrounding. "Where am I?",I asked the nurse. "You are in hospital sweety. Your boyfriend was so tensed that he waited like 2 hours. May be he is out waiting for you.",she said. "My boy friend? ok.. so for how much time I was passed out?", I asked. "Two hours. You were drugged but now you are totally fine. You can go home. Your boyfriend left your car's key ..", she handed my car key and in a confusion I left the hospital.

who the hell saved me!!!! I have to find out!!!...I can't let him go...

I asked nurse how does he look like but that stupid nurse only said fair , handsome and tall. For fuck sake! In the party there were like 95% people who were according to her description. And ofcourse I know them all!...

I reached home and with high hope I went directly to Addy. May be Addy saved me. I knocked the door continuously! This servant quarters were so small. I can't even think of staying here. How the hell two people can live in rat's hole. Ok!, I am sorry..I shouldn't have said these. Not all people are born rich!

"Coming!",Addy shouted and opened the door. He stood shocked as he saw me. "I have only one question. Did you admitted me in hospital?", I asked straight to the point. He saw me with empty eyes and said "No",I heard and I saw red. Without any hesitation I slapped him across the face. 

"You dog! how can you do that to me. You left me in party and came directly to home. You didn't even have a responsibility to atleast search for me. Today was the worst day of my life but you arsehole didn't even ask anyone..that where the hell I was???",I shouted. He stood there with empty eyes and without any regret he was listening to me.

"I hate you pervert! You must be fucking some girl in the party that's why you didn't even care about me! You totally I got that.",without any further words I ran towards my home. I cried whole night and drifted to sleep.

I hate you Luke! How I even thought that I loved you. I never loved you...and will never love you!


Sorry Guys! For late update...I was busy with my Uni works and projects.

But Now I will Try To Update fast!

Love You All!!


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