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It was another average day spent in their cramped, but nicely air-conditioned car. As usual. The only stops were made for snack, restroom and occasional sleeping breaks. See, they were on the hunt for unnatural and unusual creatures that took to harassing the common folk. It was their job to punish and execute those creatures. Ever since Dave had been able to walk, he'd been sitting in this damn car with his brother in search for these things. It was different then, though. There'd been his father too.

Dave reached forward and turned down the music they'd been listening to just a bit, "Are you sure you know where we're headed?" He finally spoke after a long drive in silence.

"Of course I know where it is. It's just past this barn." He replied, gesturing vaguely to a barn that they were, in fact, about to pass. It was the same exact barn they had passed a mere moment ago. "You're driving us in circles, Dirk." Dave sighed, voice dripping with doubt. His brother rolled his eyes in annoyance, "It probably just looks similar to that one. It's not like barns have many differences between them."

Dave heard a faint chuckle in the back seat of the car. Seeing the puzzled expression flash over Dirk's calm facade showed he heard it as well. Taking a moment to turn around and see the source of the sound, Dave turned to see the empty back seat. Odd. "Fantastic. I'm hearing things." He murmured as he faced the road again. As soon as he was settled, he heard the laugh again. Dave whirled around this time, just fast enough to see an intruder. It was.. a boy. About Dave's age.

He quickly had his hand in his pocket, searching for a small vial of holy water in case this stranger tried something. "Who are you and what are you doing in my car?" Dirk demanded. The boy put up his hands in surrender and gave a surprised cry. Dried tears he hadn't bothered wiping away were on his cheeks. "I... was being chased." He said, close to crying again. "I-I saw your car at your last stop and hopped in. Please don't make me get out."

"Should we let him stay?" Dave asked Dirk in a soft whisper. He simply shrugged.

"Can't do that much harm. We'll drop him off when we get there."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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