03 | he is abashed

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03// he is abashed


NANDINI ENTERS HER cabin in a grim mood and settles herself in her seat. Her boss hasn't arrived from his conference. She smiles to herself when picturing her boss' face when she breaks him the news.

She has lost the deal.

That egoistic Malhotra will never look at her company again and this will probably piss her boss off because he thinks that company is best and it will improve their company's position.


"Nandini?,"She snapped her attention to the door.

"Hey Kabir,"She smiled at him. Kabir is her collegue and her right hand. Fortunate for both, they work on the same department and share a great rapport. If Nandini is on leave them automatically Kabir finishes her portion of work including his. The same goes with Nandini.

"Hey...,"He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly which doesn't go unnoticed by Nandini.

"You seem tensed. Any problem?,"He shakes his head and looks at her sympathetically.

"Nope. Actually, boss is aware of the deal and he is creating ruckus. He is...terribly hmmm...I mean angry with you.,"He said with a lopsided grin.

"Oh," was the only thing she could say. She looked at the floor and silence prevailed between them. Surprisingly it was not awkward.

"He wants to meet you," he says. His voice clear and steady now.

"Okay, see you soon,"She smiled at him before rushing off to her boss' cabin.

A hundred thoughts were rushing in her mind. She was mentally slapping herself for the mess she has created, but she was right on her part. That Egoistic Malhotra was irritating her and she has patience level of a teaspoon.

And now how can ego and irritation go hand in hand eh?

She prepared herself a excuse so that her boss would have to understand and let her go.

"Excuse me, Sir?,"She tapped her knuckle against the wooden door and waited for her boss to call.

"Come in"

She slowly shuffled inside and looks at her boss' face expectantly. She put on a neutral face though she knew she terribly failed. She waited for her ears to hear the screech of his voice and prepared herself to swallow them.

But, it seems it was not needed.

"Well done Nandini,"He patted her shoulder and laughed at her shocked face. "I know you were expecting something else. Isn't it?"

Nandini stared at him as if a person has fallen down from her roof. He snapped his fingers before her bringing her back from her reverie.


"I said Well done. I really expected you of that,"He flashed a toothy grin which made Nandini slightly embarrassed. Is that why he sent her so that she can lose the deal and return? She thought.

"I...I don't get you sir, I mean I just fought with that man and returned back losing the deal and...you are appreciating me? Is that why you sent me? So that I could cancel the deal?"

She maintained a calm demeanor but her eyes reflected anger. She felt he was doing all this to her on purpose. It did seem cool at all to her being appreciated. What is cooking in this man's head?

"Don't get confused or embarrassed or anything at all Nandini. I was not purposely sending you so that you get annoyed and return. But I actually sent you because I knew you would get annoyed,"Nandini felt like a huge blow has hit her.

"You mean, you sent me purposely so that I could fight with him? Sorry but, didn't expect this from you sir. All the compulsions and persuation was for getting insulted?"She felt flabbergasted.

"Actually Not. I would like to tell you the whole story provided if you sit down."

She looked at him for a few seconds for affirmation and then sat down.



"Dad..Dad. Please listen once. I didn't do it on purpose, I did for the welfare of the company," Manik says his dad who arrives regularly to his office to keep a check on. It is not that he doesn't believe Manik but it is that he doesn't believe the temper of Manik.

"Welfare?," He laughs but then turns serious. "You mean, you keep saying unnecessary things to the client and then make them irritated so that they can get angry on you and cancel the deal? and call it is for welfare? Wow, what a captainship you are doing,"His father claps annoying Manik. He doesn't give a shot about others but when it comes to his family he is the kindest of persons.

"She provoked me! ,"He defenses.

"And you got provoked?" His father countered. "They are clients Manik they may have hundreds of questions and may even have silly issues but being a partner it is our duty to explain things to them and keep the agreement going. Have you never signed a agreement before? What were you doing all these years?," Winning by crook, his subconscious spoke flustering him.

"I'm.. I'm,"Oh yeah, Manik Malhotra doesn't say Sorry's and Thank you's. In fact he doesn't acknowledge anyone for anything because he is the king."I mean I will take care of it next time."

"Oh no,no...,"his father surprises him by laughing. "Our reputation is in stake and I can't let it sink due to your stupid ego. You must retrieve the deal."

"What," He checks if he heard it right. Retrieve?

"You must retrieve it. In short you must meet Ms. Murthy apologize for your stupid behaviour and come back with the deal,"he states and gives him a smile.

"I can't," he says in a heartbeat.

"That's not I want Manik. I want the deal. Go and apologize,"Raj, his father orders before leaving his cabin to patrol the other departments of the company.

"Shit,"he mutters before following his father.

But in the back of his cabin door there was a person who eavesdropped their conversation and smiled to himself.

"I just hope he changes back to normal,"Jatin said to himself.


(If I recieve 15 votes, I will do double update.


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