Heyy Mickey you ok

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Jess P.O.V.

I missed school because mike is sick. I texted my mom saying that I'll miss school today due to what is happening. She said OK plus she and dad won't be at home for 3 weeks so I and JJ have the house to ourselves.

"Mick you want me to make u anything to eat," I say as I wake him.

"can you make your spaghetti that I love so much," he says weakly but gives me a half smile.

"OK" I walk out the door then when I'm close to the steps next thing I know out of nowhere Mike grabs me. His hand is soft and warm. "wait...um...c-can I come with I don't want to be alone up here" he stuttered. I laugh at how cute he is when he is sick "sure, why not... anything for you." I wrap his arms around me and down the stairs then into the kitchen, I set him on the chair where the island is then I go to prep and cook everything.


I give him the food and took the moment to look at him. His eyes were gray mixed with baby blue, his jet black with purple highlights falls on his face and his lips look soft and plushy, he has a jawline that every girl would imagine, his milky caramel skin lets everything fall into place with his muscular arm and six-pack. "take a picture it'll last longer why don't ya," he smiles a smirks, I stared too long and got caught -__- let me make a run and jump in a hole!

"I wasn't looking at you Mr. high fever, sweating like a camel, and puking" I say. I look at him, his hand on his chest and looks shocked "WELL I never. I take care of you when you're sick"

he says putting more spaghetti in his mouth "sigh fine you win this round sick bat." we roll our eyes at the same time "are you gonna eat some too" he says offering me some "no I'm not that hungry" I say with a grin "I know u haven't eaten since breakfast, please don't be like other girls and try to hurt yourself.

You're perfect the way you are, your curves shouldn't bother anyone. OK?" I playfully roll my eyes and grab a fork taking a bite of his, when he realized it he kept swatting me away. i laugh then gotten small plate putting some spaghetti on it and eat with him.

"Geez your such a baby when eating alone"

Once done I washed the little dishes. suddenly I can feel his stare burn in the back of me "your eyes will fall out of your head if you keep looking at my ass" I say turning towards him.

he clears his throat and looks at his glass of water "so what do u want to do now?" he thinks for a minute " how about a movie?" he shrugs

"OK. you pick the movie, I'll get some blankets." we rush out the kitchen I went to the closet to get the spare blankets and Mike went to the living room, I come back to the room I see Mike is nowhere in sight "Mick? Mick!" I look around until I hear a loud THUD!! I run to where the sound came and see Mike is now lying on the bathroom floor.

" OMG! MIKE!" I run to his side. "that's it I'm calling the ambulance there must be something really wrong" I say as I take out my phone and dial. "WAIT!...JESSICA... just... give... me a second" he says before passing out. I let out a big sigh hang up before they answer and dragged him to the couch "goddammit! why are you so heavy I'm a small then and you're a big stinky wall you know"

once I got him to the couch I check his forehead his fever is not that bad. He wakes up groaning once again, I got off my knees and ran to the kitchen then back to the room with some water for him to drink.

"J-Jess... I'm c-cold" I got the blankets and put it over him, I then started to walk to go and get another one but then Mike grabs me again all the time he's been sick he's very touchy. "can you lay with me. please?" he says in a weak voice

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