Universal studios

310 9 0

Y/n Pov

"ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING READY." Marcel screamed into his vlog camera, he then pointed the camera at me and Craig.

"ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING READY?" Marcel asked again.

"YESSSS" I yelled into the camera.

"There gonna kick us out with you fucks." Brian said laughing.

"Nah we'll just blame Anthony." I replied laughing.

"WHat the fUCk I dOo." Anthony yelled.

"Lets get fucking on with it then." Brian interrupted.

"I agree." Tyler replied, pulling out a poncho and laughing.

"Nice poncho Tyler." Basically said while simultaneously taking out a poncho of his own.

"Did I not get the memo to bring a poncho?" I asked.

"I didn't bring one either." Craig groaned.

"Awhh well that sucks." Marcel said sarcastically while laughing along with Simone.

"It can't be that bad." I replied, causing everyone else except Craig to laugh. 

"I can tell you guys have never been here." Brian said in between laughs.

"whatever..." Craig scoffed.

"Let's just go." I bubbled, leading the group to the front of the empty line.

"Keep yours arms inside the vehicle at all times.Oh, aren't you two in for a ride" The worker said glaceing at Craig and I.

"Scoot over Craig." Marcel demanded squeezing in, causing Craig and I to be squished together.

"I have a bad feeling about this." I whispered to Craig as he started the ride and we floated along the Jurassic river.

"aww jeeze." Craig replied looking at the giant dinosaur near the end.

"Here it it." Marcel cheered everyone putting their arms up along with Craig.


I flinched at the water and turned burring my face in to Craig's chest, he put his arms down but to the lack of room he wrapped one arm around me pulling me even closer to him than before.

"Woahh, calm down there Mini." Marcel yelled, causing me to lean over to look at him only to find he had recorded the whole thing with his go pro.

"Okay exit to your right there are dryers in the gift shop." The worker said. Craig and I walked quickly to the gift shop so we could dry off. I put in $5 to the giant blow dyer and climbed in with Craig.

"They totally set that up." I said giggling.

"It wasn't that bad, we should do that more often." Criag replied chuckling.

"Why, so you can put your arm around me." I teased.

"I mean that was one of the  best parts of the ride." Craig replied nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I agree, we should do that more often." I replied leaning closer to Craig.

"Do you maybe..want to be a thing?" Craig asked inches away from me.

"I would love that." I replied closing the gap between us, kissing Craig softly before pulling away due to the loud cheers from the guys.

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