New Recruits 2-1

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Chapter 2-1: New Recruits

He blinked over and over. The blurry image of a white ceiling became clearer with each successive flap of the eye. He was lying on a bed, specifically, an infirmary bed. The tubes wired to his body clued him off. And from the slight feeling of motion, he knew he was in an airship.

Fighting against his heavy bones and tired muscles, he sat up. Though he felt a stinging pain on his shoulder, he suppressed it, opting to pull out the tubes from his wrist. The transparent liquid of the IV drip spilt on the floor, slowly forming a puddle.

One glance to the left and another to the right. His belongings had been taken away. Even his dog tags. He sighed. Why was he here? He tried to recall his last memory.

"The gold one! It's been targeted!"

"Stop, Blaze 3!"

He flinched. The bright light was the last he saw.

"That's right... I threw myself in the way to protect that unit. That's why I'm here."

Coughing hopelessly, he forced himself off the bed, splashing the puddle with a hard stomp to the floor. Trotting toward the door, it slid open as soon as he neared it. He didn't know where he was or where to go, but he felt like he was accomplishing nothing by staying there.

Slowly, his muscle ache was fading. His hunched stature straightened up, and he was able to walk normally. The hallway was a mess of doors, and there was an elevator at the very end. It was the one thing he wasn't fond of when it came to airships-- How easy it was to get lost.

He took a gander at the nearest door, with the numbers 4031 imprinted on top with ornate plating. He needed to find someone, anyone. If he wandered on his own, who knows where he'd end up? Believing those numbers to be designation for living quarters, without as much of a thought, he opened the door.


Golden locks glimmering beneath the glare of the rising sun. Dazzling cerulean eyes one a foreign face that widened at the sight of him. Her face looked like it belonged to a poster on a wall. If she walked by, a normal person could never resist stealing a look. If that was all he saw, maybe his heart wouldn't be pounding as hard as it was.

She was down to her underwear. The glistening, unblemished skin as white as fresh snow glowed subtly beneath the black lacings. Her figure was curved in ways a sculptor could only dream of producing. Yet, she didn't look an age older than him, around sixteen or seventeen. She stood there, with her skirt around her ankles.

He was frozen at the sight. He knew it was bad, but he couldn't stop looking. She was bent over, her fingers pinching the tips of the skirt. That pose emphasized her curvaceous butt, and when she turned around, her cleavage was for his eyes to see.

However, those cheeks that turned a bright shade of red foretold his impending doom. Those puffy pink lips split open, and a horrified shriek echoed throughout the airship.

"Kyah! Pervert!"


Terrified, his hand pulled on the handle and shut it loudly. His heart was pounding. His breaths were becoming wild. But he fought off all temptation to run. No, that'd be far too suspicious. He hadn't a clue where he was, but he knew that if he were to escape with his life, he'd have to casually walk away.

Back straight, hands striding, each step was robotic but it smoothened out slowly. Calm down, he told himself. Even if that girl were to give chase, she'd have to put on her clothes first. No way in hell would she hunt him down whilst naked. Thirty seconds, at the very least. That's enough time for him to reach the end of the hallway and take the elevator.

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