Chapter 7

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(Riley's POV)

It's been about a week since I ended up at Blake's. It's been all right here. We stay up until around ten talking or watching TV. In the morning, Blake leaves for work at about 6:30 each morning and gets home at around 6:00, sometimes even 7:00. I don't know what he does exactly but I think it's some type of an office job. Tonight, Blake wants to take me to a concert. It's for a band called The Pretty Reckless. We listened to some of their stuff and they're actually quite good. I hope we have a good time.

I could hear the front door open from my spot in the living room. Blake shuffled into the room a smile present on his face.

"Hey. You excited for tonight?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I nodded.

"Good. I can't wait. We'll leave in about an hour or so." He said. I nodded, again and we turned to watch the TV. Eventually, Blake fell asleep.

When an hour came and went I gently shook him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

"It's time to go." I said. He got up and stretched. His shirt came up a little bit, revealing his stomach. It was really adorable.

"I'm gonna go change clothes real quick." He said, running off to his room. When he came back he was clad in a tshirt and jeans. I looked down at my clothes, they were Blake's old ones. They were a bit baggy but they smelled like him and he smells good.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and got up. We walked out to his car and got in. We drove off towards the venue.

"How far away is it?" I asked.

"About an hour away." Blake said.

"Oh." I looked out the window at all the scenery. It was calming watching the trees go by. For a moment I completely forgot about everything. Where I was, where I am, who I'm with, who I knew, my name, my face, everything. I was just a soul in a random body.

"Riley?" Blake's voice brought me back down to earth.


"What's wrong? You never look happy, I want you to be happy." He said. I thought about the question for a moment before I answered.

"I just kind of miss someone." I said.


"An old friend."

"Oh." It was silent until we pulled up to the venue.

"I'm so excited." Blake said as we got out of the car. We walked into the arena and got our tickets scanned. A man walked by selling beers and Blake waved him down to ask for one. I asked for a sip and he gave me some.

"They didn't give you an x." Blake said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Well normally when you're underage they give you an x on your hand but you didn't get one." We continued to walk down to the floor. We got down to the cleared space in front of the stage. There was a reasonable amount of people here.

"I'm gonna go get another beer, I'll be right back." Blake said. He ran off leaving me alone.

I looked around at the crowd. Everyone here was older and bigger than me. But they all looked sort of nice. There was an actual crowd by the stage but I was in the very back where a few people stood.

"I got you one." I looked up at Blake. I guess it didn't take him long to get the drink. He handed me one and we stood there waiting for the show to start.

Eventually, the band came on. By the time they had started Blake had already had three drinks total. I don't know why he was drinking so much, he was gonna have to drive us home. Looking back on it I probably should have stopped him.

He was basically drunk now, I doubt we'd make it home tonight. I, myself, was a bit tipsy. I found myself getting a bit out of touch with the world.

The music started and it was kind of loud. I heard Blake trying to tell me something but I didn't hear him completely. He got closer to my ear and tried again.

"Let's go upfront." He said. Before I could even agree or disagree he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the front. We pushed past a bunch of people before we got about five feet away from the front. We couldn't really get up any further. Blake still hadn't let go of my hand.

The song ended and everyone started to cheer. The next one started to play, and I guess it's a popular one, because everyone started cheering even louder. Blake had a ridiculously large smile on his face. It was cute and that made me smile, too.

The crowd started to move more so Blake put his arm around me to prevent me from losing him. For a moment it reminded me of Orion. I tried to push him out of my mind.

He would just make me sad.

Basically, we had fun the whole concert. The singer was very pretty. Blake let go of my hand but grabbed it again multiple times. When it was over we made our way back to the car.

"Are you sure you can drive?" I asked Blake. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

"I'm fine." Blake said getting in the car. He sounded sober enough for me. I got in the car and he put the key in the ignition. We drove off and he seemed to be doing okay.

"That was an amazing show." Blake said.

"Yeah." The rest of the ride was silent.

When we made it home it was midnight. I trudged inside the house, extremely tired. I went straight to my room to change into my pajamas. When I was done I went back into the kitchen to see Blake making himself a drink.

"Want one?" He asked. I nodded. He quickly got another glass and made me one as well. He handed it to me and I sipped it. It burned but I liked the way it made me feel. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Blake followed me and sat right next to me.

Something inside of me felt like I needed to do something. I just wanted to touch him.

"I'm gonna try something." I said.

"Okay." Blake said, giddily.

"Tell me if you like it or not." I moved so I straddled him. My face was right in front of his. I pressed forward and our lips touched. When I pulled away Blake's eyes were wide. I honestly thought he was going to push me off but then he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me back in.

I kept kissing him and ran my hands from his hair to his chest. I know he liked it because I could feel him getting hard. Orion never got hard so fast. Did he not like me? Or was he actually normal and Blake is just too fast?

No, I shouldn't be thinking about Orion. Just about Blake and how adorable he is.

I lifted up his shirt over his head and we seperated for a moment. His body was quite nice. He had the start of a six pack but it wasn't all the way there.

I needed more.

I kissed him again and worked at his belt. I felt Blake smile as I undid it. I unzipped his pants and touched him. He pulled away from me and tilted his head back. I backed off of him and pulled his pants and boxers down. He opened his legs and I came up in the middle.

I put my mouth on him and then came off to say, "Do you like it?"

"I do."


Don't drink and drive okay?

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