Chapter Four | Written in the Stars

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4 Months Ago
December 31 ~ Winter Solstice


I gazed at the wreath that hung elegantly on the center of the birch door, nervousness gnawing away at my mind to the point where it felt like I would faint at any time now. I had been fretting over this day in my mind for the past weeks and now that the day finally came, it felt like I would implode from the pressure and anxiety I was currently going through. "What if they don't like me?" I was cold all over, not just from the January weather, but also from nerves as I awaited the door to bang open and the face of Caden's parents to appear. The anticipation of meeting them was painfully hard for I desperately want them to approve of me. "What if they don't like me, Cady?" I took a deep breath as insecurities once again swarmed my thoughts, my feelings, my very being due to this impending meeting.

Caden clasped my fidgeting hands and consoled me gently,"Don't fret, love. They'll love you. I mean, who wouldn't? With those cute freckles and small button nose, it's impossible not to." He then nuzzled his nose against my neck and gave a brief peck of his lips upon the exposed skin of my jaw that was peeking out from under the blue scarf. I giggled at him, momentarily forgetting that we were at his house's front porch and were about to meet his parents and to see us getting touchy with each other doesn't look so promising.

I swatted his face away and breathed,"Now's not the time, Cady."

He pouted, red plump lips jutting out in playful protest. I rolled my eyes, lips tugging upwards in amusement of his childish antics. My eyes focused on his enticing mouth and couldn't help myself, I leaned in and captured his lips in mine and kissed him deeply. Caden responded with fervor, turning his body to face mine and cupped the back of my head, tilting it up to get a better angle. I raked my hands through his soft silky locks and felt the goosebumps form along the base of his neck. I smiled into the kiss, shaking my head internally at myself. Look who's talking.

"You know,"  He whispered, minty hot breath fanning over my parted lips. "I would be content to spend the whole of new year like this with you."

I blushed, ducking my head low and smiled shyly. "I would too." I peered up at him beneath my lashes and he had this sparkling look in his eyes as he looked back at me. He was about to lean in and give me another kiss when the door suddenly burst open, and I jumped back in fright, heart racing erratically inside my chest. I stared at the regal blonde woman clad in a red dress overlapped in a burgundy snug-looking sweater with crinkling eyes and a warm smile. "Goodness, my poor darlings! It's freezin' out here, come inside. Quickly."

We were ushered inside the house and I took relish in the warmth of the home. Caden took off his coat and guided me as I shrugged mine off before hanging them both on the coat rack.

"I'm terribly sorry, loves. I had just finished cooking and Steven's still upstairs." She began, mumbling to herself as I noticed the evident British accent that she possessed. Now it was no wonder where Caden got his mannerisms from as I took in the sight of the both of them, mother and son, side by side. "You two came early and I hadn't really expected for any visitors to come at this time, not that I'm not happy but—"

"Mum, it's fine." Caden interrupted her rambling, chuckling lightly. He pulled me closer to him by my waist and said,"Meet Julie. The love of my life."

My cheeks heated up in embarrassment as I shot Caden a look. He merely winked at me and smirked. My heating cheeks only burned brighter as I wondered if his mother saw us kissing on his front porch. That wasn't exactly a way to make a good first impression but it seems like she didn't notice or if she did, then she probably thought nothing of it.

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