The Unforgivable Curses

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A week later it was time for Harry's first class with new defence against the Dark Arts Teacher Mad-Eye Moody. He was rumored to be as crazy as anything and was extremely notorious for being a little over the top. All the Gryffindors were so excited that they got there early and waited excitedly for their lesson. Hermione bugged up to Harry shivering. Harry looked quite embarrassing comforting Hermione but he didn't care he liked Hermione a lot and he knew she did too. Hermione sat down next to Harry who was next Ron who was beaming with delight and quickly tossed out his books and his quills.

"You won't need your books," growled Moody. Everyone in the class looked so excited, that was except Hermione who scowled and reluctantly but her books away. "So straight onto curses," Moody said. "Can anyone tell what the curses illegal by the law are called. Hermione shot her hand up so fast Moody was still finishing her sentence "Yes Miss Granger," Moody said looking at Hermione who went slightly red and Harry could see Malfoy had started sneering at the two and tossing notes of Harry and Hermione kissing, at him. Harry wanted to throw a note with his parents with Death Eater masks on their faces but he didn't want to get on the wrong side of Moody. Hermione finally spoke:

"The Unforgivable Curses," Hermione said

"Right, and they are named so?" Moody said

"Because any use of any of the curses will-" Hermione said meekly

"Earn you a one-way trip to Azkaban!" Moody growled again going over to the back of the classroom and went to a tank full of spiders and took one out and whipped out his wand and pointed it at the spider 'ENGORGIO!' the spider swelled to the size of his hand. Ron squealed he didn't like spider "WEASLEY!"

"Y-Yes," Ron squeaked looking as if a giant spider had jumped out at him and bit him on the bottom.

"Know any?" Moody said the whites of eyes looking at Ron

"My dad did tell me about one, t-the Imperius Curse," Ron said as meekly as Hermione before

"Um, um your father would know about one he gave the ministry a bit of grief with that one," Moody said looking sharply at Ron. He whipped out his wand again and pointed at the spider 'Imperio!' a smoky rainbow phase hit the spider in the face. He lifted his wand and flicked the spider around the room and it landed on Ron's head and started dancing up and down and Ron was squirming and Harry and Hermione were in a fit of giggles, as was Malfoy who was crying on Crabbe. 

"What are you laughing at?" Moody said he flicked the spider on Draco Malfoy's face and it started to dance up and down on Malfoy's face and Malfoy went it a fit and screamed at Crabbe "get it off! Get it off!" he said jumping up and down. Everyone was laughing at the spider but Moody's voice started to darken "Amusing isn't! What ever shall I do next? Throw it out the window? Drown itself?" Moody made the spider hover over the water but pulled it back and put it onto the desktop. "Another! Another!" Moody cried out. Hermione put up her hand, so did Lavender, but most surprising of all Neville put up his hand

"Mr. Longbottom! Professor sprout says you have a knack for Herbology?" Moody said

Neville nodded and squeaked "The Cruicatus Curse,"

Moody gestured Neville forward "Come, come, boy," He pointed his wand down at spider 'Crucio' he said. The spider's leg curled up and he shivered and started squealing in pain, it started to seem as if it was crying and if it had a voice it would be screaming out loud.

"STOP IT!" Hermione yelled looking at Neville, his fists were white and curled up his face was bright red and he seemed to be in pain. His eyes flickered with a sense of pain, anger and fear. Harry also had felt the mix emotions in his head.

"Perhaps you could tell me the last curse Miss Granger?" Moody said. She shook her head and a her eyes welled up. Moody pointed his wand at the spider and let out a small yell 'Avada Kedavra' there was a flash of green light and the spider's legs curled and it was dead. Harry felt his whole body seize up and he stared at the spider sweating in fear ans shock. He was overwhelmed with a wave of horror. He thought he started to shake as if he was having a fit and his eyes seemed to well up. His face lost all colour and it was like being with the Dementors all over again he fell back in his chair then to the ground. He looked around even Malfoy seemed traumatized Hermione had burst out crying and was screaming 'Harry!' the Patil sisters were drenched in sweat. Malfoy had gone so pale he looked like death warmed up.  Harry woke up slowly still shaking as was Neville and they were dismissed.

"I'm taking you to the hospital wing!" Hermione said pulling Harry over.

"No it's ok Hermione," Harry said still shaking. Hermione hugged him tightly and held his hand firmly. Harry was pale and shaking with sweat, Hermione had explained what Harry had saw and how it effected him to Mcgonngal and she looked horrified and rushed of to speak to Moody. Ginny saw Harry liked this and saw him with Hermione and ignored Hermione and ran to Harry.

"HARRY!" Ginny rushed over to him "What's wrong with him?"

"I-" Harry tried to speak but half closaped into Ron and Hermione hands, Hermione let out a scream and rushed him to the hospital wing but he refused and went to the common room. Harry couldn't sleep that night and kept and having dreams of his parents and flashing green light. He went down to the common room and sat down on the sofa and shivered a bit, Hermione came down and saw him and wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in. She kissed him firmly and he kissed back and held her in his arms, Harry pulled away and carried on hugging Hermione and she kissed him on his head.

"I love you Harry," Hermione said. Harry blushed and looked into those chestnut eyes

"I love you to Hermione Jean Granger," he replied at which she giggled and kissed him, the chatted until they fell asleep of the sofa

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