The Dark Mark

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Fred and George were dancing around celebrating whilst Ginny and Ron were talking about Krum and Hermione and Harry - both new to this sort of thing sat in the corner with a butterbeer in their hands quite cozy together. Harry told Hermione about the Veela and how beautiful they were and that's why he had wanted to jump out of his seat. Hermione had joked they weren't as beautiful as her and Harry agreed. Hermione went very red and she gave a small smile and gazed deep into Harry's eyes.

Hermione POV

Harry just said I was more beautiful than a Veela, I have a sudden urge to kiss him but I hold back as Ginny was watching. I instead just take his hand and move closer to him. I blush but luckily no one notices apart from Harry who blushes back at me. I had never been so close to him and a strong smell of enchanting mint came over me and I got lost again in his eyes. He is so close the urge to kiss him grows stronger and as Ginny leaves the room I seize my chance. I lean in and wrap my hand around his shoulders and kiss him. Harry does nothing and kisses me back, everything seemed to stop and it was clear I had to be with Harry. Nothing matters, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George nothing matters apart from me and Harry and this kiss. I don't know how long we kiss for and who saw but I pull away giggling and throw my arms around Harry and hug him. He had his normal smile on his face which makes me warm inside, we both say nothing just looking at each other and blushing for a while.

Harry POV

Hermione and I were talking about Veela when she joked that she was more beautiful than a Veela and I agreed. She looked like she wanted to kiss me but was worried what others would think of her and me together. She just took my hand and moved closer to me. She started blushing as did I, she looked almost enchanted me as I did her. Her chestnut brown eyes were like the sweetest thing ever and warmed up Harry's heart, I loved the way her hair was so frizzy and untameable, I loved how she had a strong scent of vanilla which almost hypnotized him sometimes. I now how the urge to kiss her and couldn't resist the temptation and just as I'm about to lean in and kiss her, she beats me to it and kisses me. Her arms wrap around my shoulders and kisses me. I feel my hold body warm up and I kiss her back I put my arms around my waist and kiss her wholeheartedly, she keeps on kissing me which warms me up even more and I carry on and kiss her. Her lips are warm and I feel a shockwave pass through my body, it just felt so right kissing Hermione. It was the Veela all over again all my thought flew out my mind and all that mattered was Hermione and this kiss. I felt electric as the kiss deepened and her frizzy hair came upon me. She seemed just as happy kissing me and it was we were in another world just us and that kiss. We had to stop for air and also that Ginny had come back in and Fred and George stopped dancing. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me in one her usual hugs which made me turn red as if every eye the room was fixed upon me I need something to break the silence.

"Looks like the Irish have got their pride on," George said looking towards the entrance of the tent where they could shouts and a few screams mixed in with bright burning flames and sparks flying around the place. Just then Mr. Weasley burst in. "It's not the Irish," he said in a very stern voice "we need to get out of here," they all burst out the tent and saw people running past screaming in huddles and fires being torched around the place. Most shocking of all there were a tightly knitted group of people in masks dressed in all black robes with hoods over their heads. They were torturing and humiliating a group of muggles, Hermione let out a whimper, but Ron was like Harry just dazed by it all.

"Fred, George Ginny is your responsibility, get back to the Portkey and stick together!" Mr. Weasley shouted running along with Fred and George. Ron ran off in which Hermione followed Harry just stood there until Hermione called out to him, "HARRY!" Harry looked over and ran to Hermione and ran with her. A group of crowds swept up Harry and Hermione in different ways "HARRY!" Hermione screamed Harry ran towards her but couldn't get to them. He looked ahead and ran he ran until he knocked hard down onto the floor and was knocked out cold by a foot running past.

"HARRY!" Hermione shouted looking at the many tents that had been burnt to the ground and all the burnt rubble around her she kept of yelling his name and looking. Then appeared a man a shallow-faced pale man with dirty brown hair in a heavy coat. He took up a wand a yelled "MORSMORDE!" a jet of green light shot up into the air and a pale-green skull appeared in the sky with a small snake coming out its mouth. The man grinned baring his yellow teeth, Harry was slowly waking when he caught a glimpse of a shady figure that was coming near him. He clutched his scar, it was burning as if it had been touched with a white-hot tong he was whimpering in pain and fell to the ground. "HARRY!" Hermione saw he sprawled on the ground and ran beside him. "Harry, please wake come on," a small tear fell from her face but ran away when Harry slowly opened his eyes and got to his feet.

"STUPEFY!" said voices "STUPEFY!" bolts of red light were fired overhead as Harry, Hermione and Ron ducked under the several stuns that were being chucked at them. Hermione whimpered again as just as the seventh wave approached a man came bursting in.

"STOP! STOP! THAT'S MY SON!" Mr. Weasley shielded the three of them

"Which of conjured it? Which of you?" said one in a bowler hat with a mustache and a strong French accent.

"Crouch, you can't possibly think, do even know who you are speaking to?" Mr. Wealsey said

"Conjured what?" Harry said looking still a little dizzy

"The Dark Mark, that his mark," Hermione said 

"Voldemort's? The people today, there his to his followers," Harry replied

"Death Eaters," Mr. Weasley said. Mr. Crouch moved Harry's fringe to reveal his lightning bolt scar and looked elsewhere.

"There was a man," Harry begun "over there," he pointed to where the man had been

"All of you, over here," Mr. Crouch said walking over

"A man Harry, who?" Mr. Weasley asked

"I don't know I didn't get to see his face," Harry said 

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