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I had not talked to my family all day. It was so hard to keep this one secret. I've always been able to keep a secret, but now, it's just not bearable. What is happening to me? I feel like Lucas has something to do with this. And worst of all, I smiled today.

Actually, that's not the worst thing. Lucas kissed me. That handsome, horrible, smart, poet, idiot, funny, moron kissed me. And we are going on a date. Just another thing to keep from my family. If Lucas ever got me pregnant my life would be over. Literally, suicide is my first option. But, him getting me pregnant, that will never happen. EVER. THAT IS A FACT.

I was walking down the hall texting Lucas. I don't hate him now. I know I just called him a moron and an idiot, and many other things you don't know about, but I really like him. I can't say love, because I don't know what that feels like. And I don't ever want to know.

Well maybe I do. Just a little bit.

When I was walking I walked past my father. Crap. He grabbed my phone from my hand and looked at me. Anger rushed through me. "Dad, why did you do that?" I asked him.

He looked at me and my phone's light was reflecting on his face. "You know monthly I have to check your phone. Just to make sure everything is okay."

"It is. So you don't need to check it," I say rapidly. I don't him to find out about Lucas. That only happened today! I'll tell him in a week. Or maybe longer. I've never had a boyfriend. He might not react well.

He gave me a suspicious look. "Are you okay, Paloma?"

"I'm fine. Can I just have my phone back?"

"Let me check it real quick."

I saw him going through my apps. And then he went through my phone's history. And he smiled in satisfaction.

"Everything seems fine," he said handing my phone back to me. Then it buzzed a message from Lucas. Now he's going to get me.

"Who texted you?" My father asked. He looked down at me and I had a guilty look on my face. "Nobody ever texts you."

My face fell. "Thanks dad. For making me feel like I'm a nobody." I started to walk away but my father wasn't finished.

"Wednesday Friday Addams. Come here and let me see who texted you." My father never gets mad with me, or anyone of that matter. This was a new side of him. I turned around and pouted and handed him my phone.

He looked through my messages and saw the name Lucas. "Who's Lucas?"

"Nobody. Seriously."

He cleared his throat and read the screen. "Sent with love. Lucas." My father looked at me, disappointed. Great.

"Wednesday, please explain."

"So, yesterday I was doing my usual hunt through the park. Then I met this guy named Lucas and I thought he was an idiot, but he's not. He wanted to be friends but I didn't know what to say so I came home. I saw him again today and he kissed me and he asked me out. We are going on a date tomorrow. Can I please have my phone back?"

My father's jaw dropped. "I'm going to kill this Lucas. My beloved Pigeon, kissed by a stranger!" My father threw my phone to me.

"No Dad. He's not bad."

"Fine. And I'm happy for you. Let's go tell your mother."


My father turned around and looked at me. "Why?"

"Can we wait till we play full disclosure tonight? I want to tell her. And I don't want her to know that I told you before," I said. My mother would be furious if she found out my father kept a secret from her. When they got married they swore to never keep a secret. But that would change today. But, she wouldn't know.

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