Again but with a twist

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I wake up. Forgetting almost all my thoughts from the previous night. Then I rethought and maybe it was all a dream. I immediately ran over to my dresser and looked in the back drawer and found the paper with his eye drawn on it. Nope, still not a dream.

I thought I should apologize to my family since I was not myself last night. Sure, that's the lightest way to put it.

I got dressed into my usual. Old fashioned black dress with a white collar. Black leggings, combat boots, and my crossbow. I needed some fresh air. Maybe shooting some birds would help me.

I walked down the stairs and mother was feeding one of her plants.  "Hello, Mother."

"Hello, Wednesday. Are you feeling better after last night?" Morticia asked.

"Much better."

"That's horribly perfect!" My mother beamed. She gave me a closer look and noticed my bow.

"Going for a morning hunt?"

"You could call it that."

That made me remember. Lucas wanted to call me Di. After Diana the huntress. Did he say that to make fun of me? Or because he actually thought I was unique?

"Mother. Do I look like Diana the Huntress?"

"Where would you get such a question?"

"Just a thought. "

"Alright. Be back before lunch," I heard my mother say as I headed out the door.

I breathed in the fresh air, freedom. I had started on my walk. I didn't see any birds which was unusual. It wasn't time for them to migrate either. And they didn't go extinct. If they did it would be my fault, if you know what I mean.

Suddenly I saw a bird. In the corner of my eye. I aimed my bow and shot it out of the tree. I felt satisfied. And finally that Lucas Beineke was out of my thoughts. His handsome annoying voice out of my head. I felt for the first time in a while, I felt calm.

I walked around the tree to retrieve my prize and noticed it wasn't there. I circled the tree again and couldn't find it. I could smell its blood somewhere near. I looked up into the tree and it wasn't there either. And then I looked in front of me and saw it.

And him.

"So we meet again, Di."

"It looks like we did. Lucas Beineke."

He walked up to me and handed me my prey. He had on a stupid grin, why does he have to be so cruel to me. And how can he stand to smile all the time. If you can't already tell, this is going to dreadful.

"So, now can you tell me your name?" He asked. And I sighed. Just tell him. He'll make fun of me and we never have to see each other again. Why didn't I just do that before? Or is it because I might have feeling for him? I don't give a damn how I feel anymore.

"It's Wednesday," I say blandly. I don't express a lot of emotion. I feel twice the emotion people do normally everyday. But, I choose to show none of it on my face.

"Wednesday? Like the day of the week?"

Why did we have to go deeper into the conversation. Can't this idiot leave me alone!

"Yes. Like the day of the week," I say. I was close to shooting him with my crossbow when he asked me another question. And it wasn't stupid.

"Have you ever heard the poem Monday's Child?"

"Yes. That's what I was named after." I say.

"Child of woe. Then your parents should have named you Friday," he said. God.

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