A new friend

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It was a cloudy day, in NewYork City, Central Park. For most people, this day would seem like a good day to go see a movie, or go to a museum, or spend time with family. But for me, it's shooting down pigeons. Don't worry, I have a permit to shoot down pigeons because my family owns half the park. I still remember the first time I ever went out with my crossbow. I came back with the head of someone's dog. They're not supposed to let them off the leash, it's a city law.

If you can't already tell, I'm not really socially acceptable. Maybe it's the way I look, or the way I act, but I don't care. I don't want to be one of those stupid, blond trophy wives. And I like being who I am, and I don't care about other people's opinions.

If you were to see me, I would remind you of a cross between a corpse and a dark spirit. I have pale skin, black hair, brown eyes, dark lips, and wears only black on a daily basis. And in case your wondering, I use lip stain. My hair used to be long and I always had it in twin braids. But, I'm 18 now, and that look was super childish. Now my hair is short, brushes my collar, and it's me.

Since I'm who I am, I've never really had any friends. Except for this one guy I met at this summer camp, he was like me. But, after I burned the camp down I never saw him again. If  you didn't believe me I would ask you to talk to the witnesses, but I think their too scared that if they tell anyone, I'll kill them.

I continued walking along the same path I do everyday. I soon stopped when I heard a small rustle in a nearby tree. Then through the branches I saw I little pigeon sitting on a branch with its wings tucked at it's side. I slowly slid off my bow from across my body and aimed it at the bird. As the bird was about to fly away an arrow impaled it's chest and it dropped to the ground.

I felt pleased with myself, that is until I noticed the pigeon had landed in front of a young man. I couldn't tell if he was terrified, or impressed. He then looked up and his eyes met with mine. He had the most beautiful blue eyes, and light brown hair, he was, I dare say it handsome.

I couldn't believe what I was saying. I've never had an interest in boys. Not that I've really ever met any that isn't family. But, something about him was different.

"That's my bird," is all I could say. I felt so embarrassed. What if he thought I was awkward for shooting down birds in the middle of Central Park. I felt so stupid. Why did we have to meet.

"You shot that out of the tree?" The boy asks picking up the bird and holding it out to me. I at first hesitated then grabbed it, I took out the arrow and put the bird in a plastic bag.

"Yes," I say looking back at the boy.

"Why? Couldn't you get-?" I didn't want him to finish his sentence. He looked like one of those guys who could talk about something for hours. Although he did have a cute kinda deep voice.

"I have a permit. My family owns half the park. And I was getting dinner," I said the boy. I wanted to leave but something told me to stay. A sign, saying I need to stay and talk to him.

"That's-" he was saying. He thinks I'm probably weird and awkward. He would never like anyone like me. Wait, why would I care if he liked me. I don't like him, do I?

"Unique," he says.


"I think that's unique. Nobody I know is like you. And you seem like an interesting person."

That made me blush. And it was very noticeable because of my pale skin. I've never really blushed before. My cheeks feel warm, and I want to smile. I hate this! What is happening to me? Is he doing this?

"Nobody's ever said that about me," I say in the quietest voice. Was I shy? No I was bold Wednesday Addams. But he made me feel different.

"I'm Lucas. Lucas Beineke," he held out his hand to me. But I didn't take it. I couldn't get too involved with him. He's already starting to change me.

"I have to go," I say turning to leave.

"Can I at least know your name?" He asks.

Here we go.

"No. There is no importance of you knowing my name," I say. And that's how I truly felt, he would laugh at my name. But, he did think that me shooting birds in Central Park for dinner was unique. Maybe I'm, wrong?

No. I'm never wrong.

"Well, knowing a persons name starts friendships. You know that, right?" He says which makes me stop in my tracks. I didn't know that. Does he want to be friends with me?

"I didn't. But, I don't need friends," I say. I did sometimes want to have friends. But, I didn't need them.

"Then until I know your name, I'm going to call you Di," he said with a smile. He has the most adorable smile, but I don't know how a person can smile so much. It seems dreadful to me.

"Di? Why Di?" I ask.

"Di is short for Diana. Diana the huntress. You remind me of her," he says walking closer to me. This makes me nervous.

"The roman goddess?" I ask again.

"Yes," he says. We are now only inches apart, and he smells really nice. But, I turn to leave.

"Well it's a good thing we are probably never going to see each other again. This is a big city. Goodbye Lucas Beineke," I said.

"Goodbye, I guess," I heard him say from a distance. I also heard him sigh as he walked away. Did he want to be friends? Honestly, I don't know what I've done.

Once I got home I missed him. I decided to go to my room, maybe forget about him. On the way up I ran into my little brother, Pugsley.

"Hey Wednesday! Mom needs dinner," I give him the plastic bag with the bird in it. I continued my walk to my room when my brother shouted.

"Hey! Maybe later can you play darts with me?"

"I'm not up to it,"once I say that he runs up in front of me.

"But, your always up to it. Is something wrong? Did I do something?" Pugsley says.

I shove him out of the way, like normal. "No, I'm just not up to it!" I say slamming the door to my room and walked over to my bed. I fell onto my bed and buried my face in my pillow. I let out a big sigh. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget Lucas Beineke.

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