Chapter 7

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"Who are you?!" said Francois. "I'm the pup that you thought you all got rid of! But the thing is..IT TAKES A LOT TO KEEP ME DOWN!!" said the pup. "Wait a minute, that voice! Could it-it can't be!" said Chase. "Who is it Chase?" said Skye. "Marshall? Is that you?" said Chase as everybody was shocked. "Yep, its me Chase! And it's good to see you all again, except for you all!" said Marshall pointing at the gang.

Marshall lined up with all the pups, but didn't hesitate, he pounced on Ryder and the other pups tackled the others down. "I still can't believe you're not dead!" said Ryder. "I'm not, but you will!" said Marshall trying to bite Ryder, but he held his snout back. Skye was attacking Katie until Chelsea tackled Skye and they started going at it. "Chase is mine you runt, not yours!" said Chelsea. "What don't you understand that they want Chase and all of us dead too?! They only said that so you would join them!" said Skye. "LIES!" said Chelsea as she held Skye down. Skye started suffocating until she bit Chelsea's arm and she released.

Chase and Carlos were attacking each other until Chase bit Carlos' throat and Carlos died. "1 down, and a lot more to go!" said Chase. Rubble and Jake were fighting until Mr Porter came and kicked Rubble, until Chase pounced on Mr Porter next. "I still can't believe you left your own grandson to burn in your restaurant!!" said Chase disgusted. "You should not be surprised!" said Mr Porter as he head butted Chase. Marshall and Rocky were fighting Ryder and Captain Turbot, until Rocky pushed Captain Turbot so hard, he fell off the cliff and died. Francois was not pleased, and found a golf club and whacked Marshall and Rocky with it. Skye and Chelsea were still going at it until Katie threw Skye into all the pups.

The pups were all injured, but Chase and Marshall got back up and stood in front of the pups to protect them. "Just like 4 years ago, right Marshall?" said Chase. "You're damn right!" said Marshall. "So you took out Carlos and Captain Turbot, big deal! You haven't taken us out, and you never will! There's 7 of us and only 5 of you!" said Goodway. "It's actually 6 of you, because I'm not doing this anymore!" said Chelsea as she threw the jacket at Goodway's face and ran off.

"Who needs her?! She was weak anyway!" said Katie. Skye, Rubble, and Rocky stood back up and stood beside Chase and Marshall. "We really don't care how many of you there are, as long as we're still standing, we're not going down without a fight!" said Chase as the pups nodded. "So be it then!" said Goodway.

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