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Depression is like you are not worthy of any love. You don't love yourself anymore and don't believe that anyone will ever be able to. You remember the memories of the past, again and again. And it'll always be memories of the times you messed up and almost never the happy times, times when you actually succeeded. It makes you feel like you are a loser and you'll never be successful. You are just sorry for being yourself. You are sorry for getting attached to people and letting everything that affected you affect them. You're sorry that your death might affect them. Sometimes, you just become numb. But, that makes you feel just so empty inside that you consider cutting but then you stop because you think how you're going to explain the cuts on your wrists. Then, you think of places that no one will be able to see. You'll do just about anything to not feel that emptiness inside you. Then, finally comes a time when you've just given up. You'll be called selfish for giving up but you think that it's your life and that other person is not living your life. And yet, you're sorry for killing yourself, you're sorry for being selfish. Everything is just sad. You can't handle the pain anymore. You can't heal yourself but you'll try your best to heal those around you. Hoping it'll keep you distracted but it doesn't, as soon as the clock strikes 3am you're thinking again. And suddenly, you notice all your flaws and there are tears rolling down your face because you can't help it. You just hate yourself so much. Depression is all that and much more. Most of all depression is like looking down upon yourself and bullying yourself without realising it.

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